The Holy Tomb:

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Byleth made her way to Lady Rhea's audience chamber, Rhea had sent Seteth earlier in the day to tell her of the meeting, when Byleth had returned to her room after breakfast she found him waiting in her room, snooping around her belongings. Seteth had told Byleth that she had wished to speak with her about something, no doubt it was about her now harnessing the power of the goddess. It had been a little weird around the monastery lately for Byleth most people were shocked by this transformation and were simply freaked out by her now and it didn't help that Lady Rhea was singling her out more than ever. Byleth stood outside of the archbishops audience chamber, she could faintly hear Seteth and Rhea talking, actually it sounded more like arguing.

"Rhea, Please talk to me what are you hiding?" Seteth shouted. Byleth couldn't make out much else, especially nothing that Lady Rhea had said. "What did you do to that baby, Rhea? Nothing questionable, I hope?". Byleth began to grow frustrated at her lack of being able to hear what they were saying, so she knocked on the door.

"You may enter" Lady Rhea called out, Byleth entered the room "I have been awaiting your arrival, Byleth" Rhea beamed. Byleth looked at Seteth, he looked bothered and based on the parts of the conversation Byleth had heard through the door it was safe to assume that Seteth had read her Fathers journal that had been lying on her desk. Byleth returned her attention to Lady Rhea, "Now that you have received the sacred power from the goddess, there is somewhere you must pay a visit to at once" Rhea said, "You must go to the holy tomb so that you may receive a divine revelation from the goddess" she said happily.

"A revelation?" Byleth asked in shock.

"The Holy Tomb is where the goddess sleeps. This monastery was originally built for the purpose of protecting that hallowed temple" Seteth butted in.

"Only a selected few know of it, but there is a legend about Seiros and the Holy Tomb" Rhea began "Saint Seiros, the first soul to be gifted power from the goddess, received her revelation there" she said "She was told that it was her sacred duty to save the people of Fodlan, and that she must use her power wisely in order to lead them" she added. "The words that were handed down to Seiros from the goddess will likely fall upon your ears as well" Rhea said.

"Prepare yourself to go at once. There you may find out why you were blessed with such power" Seteth said.

"There will be a ceremony at the Holy Tomb. It is then that you will receive the goddess's revelation, you may share this mission with your classmates" Rhea said with a smile.

"Do you think it wise to bring them into this?" Byleth asked, Seteth's face showed he was thinking the same thing.

"It is said that when Seiros received the revelation, she had holy warriors by her side, protecting her" Rhea said, "Your classmates have fought alongside of you through the darkest of times, they are well suited to stand by you for the ceremony" she said "Of course, as the leader of the church of Seiros, I will stand by your side as well" Rhea added.

"Isn't that too dangerous?" Byleth asked.

"The Holy Tomb is a sacred temple that is sealed off from the rest of the world. There is nothing to fear" Rhea said "Even if something were to happen, I am more than capable of protecting myself" she stated, Byleth had a feeling that her statement was true.

"Steal your mind for the ceremony," Seteth said.

Byleth nodded, then began to leave from the room.

"Wait" Rhea called out, Byleth turned around to face her once again. "I wished to give this to you, it is a special classification" she said. Rhea handed Byleth an outfit with a long collar, a tiara like head-dress, and a long white cape. "It's the enlightened ones' robes" Rhea said cheerfully.

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