The Chalice of Beginnings:

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Byleth jolted up from her sleep, she panted out of breath, crap she thought out of all the times for this dream resurface it chose now? Byleth had never been one to get bothered by really anything but there was this one dream that she had for as long as she could remember about a war, it's not your average run of the mile type of fighting this was countless men and women fighting one another for the sole reason being survival. It was absolutely gruesome, bodies of the fallen soldiers littered the floors while their leader, this green haired woman led them, was set on annihilating the opposing army. In the background of this all there are these massive beams of energy that are falling from the sky which causes the death toll to skyrocket. The green haired woman comes faced to face with a man and they begin their fight, his blade... No that can't be right, Byleth thought. The woman manages to disarm the man and then knocks him to the ground. She calls out his name "Nemesis" Nemesis?! and she proclaims that he must die before she takes his life. Afterwards she cradles the sword of the man in her arms and calls it mother. Byleth tried hard to shake the dream out of her mind but she couldn't help but think about it especially given that the sword she now wields is the same as that man Nemesis, she wondered if her dream had been sheer coincidence or was something along the lines of fate. Byleth sighed and went into what she thought would be an empty Ashen Wolves classroom, but to her surprise Aelfric was in there. Byleth tried to leave before she was noticed but it was too late.

"Ah, Byleth, To what do I owe this pleasure?" Aelfric turned towards Byleth and asked.

"I couldn't sleep," Byleth stated. "Also I wanted to hear more about my parents," she told Aelfric.

"Ah yes, of course you do. I will gladly tell you all that I know" Aelfric said "Where to begin..." he mumbled "If you have something in particular in mind , please ask and I shall answer as best as I can" Aelfric added.

"Tell me about my Mother" Byleth said, she had never had the chance to meet her so she was most curious as to who she was.

"Kind, and wise. I would often see her in the library with her nose buried in a book" Aelfric said.

"What was my Father like back then?" Byleth asked.

"Jeralt was... very much then as he is now, his knights would have done just about anything for him" Aelfric said "Whenever he had time to spare, he would instruct the children of the monastery in combat and tactics" he reminisced fondly "Just like those wide-eyed youngsters, your mother and I made a hero of him in our minds" he said "When I heard that Jeralt and Sitri were to be married, I was quite surprised" Aelfric said with a hint of bitterness. Oh no Byleth thought he had the hots for my mom, "Back then, Jeralt was something of a mentor to me" he continued on "As for Sitri... she found it difficult to express her emotions" Aelfric said sadly. He proceeded to tell Byleth that her Mother only found joy in her Father's company since she was too weak to leave the monastery and his stories brought her a great deal of comfort. Aelfric then continued on to tell her about how he wished to be like Jeralt but never could, he scooted closer to Byleth "Forgive me for overstepping, but do you not regret forgoing your travels to take up residency here? he asked.

Byleth began to feel uncomfortable around him "No, I enjoy going to school here" she stated.

"Heh heh, well then! I suppose I have no choice but to assist you as best as I can" Aelfric was about to continue on talking when a voice called from the entrance of the room.

"Hey am I interrupting anything?" Byleth looked over and saw Claude, she felt revealed. "Sorry Aelfric but I need to borrow my friend here we have important research to do" Claude said while walking over to them and grabbing Byleths arm "Well see- ya!" Claude laughed while they exited the room.

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