Enbarr the Imperial Capital:

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Byleth laid down in her cot for the night.

Stupid Sylvain, saying pointless things just to get a reaction. Byleth rubbed at her face trying to distort the images running through her mind. A red face Dimitri jumping away from her as if they were caught in the act of something scandalous.

Stupid Sylvain.

But... In a way she was thankful for his interruption. Byleth was certain if he hadn't, she would have done something stupid, and it just would have hurt Dimitri in the long run.

Byleth hated how easy it was to ease around Dimitri, despite what he'd done. A part of her just wants to fall naturally back into place, where they left off five years ago.

But she won't.

Byleth knows better.

She sighs, why does this have to be so difficult.

Byleth shuts her eyes tightly and slowly but surely, she drifts off to sleep.

It's dawn, light is filtering in through the thin material of the tents. Byleth sits up, another day of marching. She dreads it, not that her companions are bad, but her mind tends to wander. And right now, she needs to keep her mind on Edelgard.

Byleth puts her armor back on then goes out to what is the remains of a campfire. Claude is sitting there staring at the ash.

"Please tell me you weren't out here all night," Byleth said.

Claude looks at her with a serious face, "Byleth... I feel like crap" he said.

Byleth frowns down at him, "Please tell me you didn't accidentally drink another stomach poison?" she asked.

Claude shakes his head, "Gods no" he said "I drank with Sylvain" he added.

Byleth smiles, "Oh! So, you are hungover!" she said in a loud voice.

Claude winces, "Byleth please" he sighs.

Byleth hummed softly, "I think it serves you right" she said "Now isn't really the time to be getting drunk with Sylvain" she said sternly.

Claude nodded along to her lecture, "Yeah I know" he said and paused for a moment, "You know I had a discussion with Dimitri last night" he said.

Byleth tilted her head in confusion, "Oh, about what?" she asked.

"He was a bit upset about being the last to know about you and Edelgard meeting one another" Claude said.

Byleth sighed, "Yeah I know" she said.

"Dimitri told me he will send a messenger to her, to meet with us beforehand" Claude said.

Byleth nodded her head, "Yes he told me the same thing" she said.

Claude was silent for a moment, "Do you think it will work?" he asked.

Byleth shrugged, "Honestly Claude, I have no clue" she sighed "But for everyone's sake, I hope it does" she added.

Claude nodded, then stood up "I hope so too" he said "Now come on, we should begin preparations to continue our march" he added. Byleth nodded then followed behind Claude.


It took another three days of marching till the united Alliance and Kingdom armies reached Enbarr... The Imperial Capital.

Byleth stood beside Claude and Dimitri. They were in the outskirts of Enbarr, awaiting the presence of the Emperor.

"Byleth stop fidgeting, you're making me anxious" Claude whispered to her.

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