Javelin of Light:

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Felix and Hilda managed to make a surprisingly good team. In all honesty, she had never really worked much with the swordsman. He was known to have quite the temper and Hilda didn't really want to deal with it. She had known Byleth and Felix to be friends and was a bit surprised by it at times, her poor sweet Byleth being friends with such a fierce individual.

But maybe she had Felix all wrong.

"Thanks" Hilda mumbled as Felix terminated an Imperial soldier that had snuck up behind her and was about to land a fatal blow.

Felix simply nodded and continued onto the next fight.

What a strange man.

"Ah, I found where they keep entering from" Felix called out and Hilda jogged to catch up to him.

Hilda looked at what Felix was talking about. It was a gate, "We need to close it" Hilda declared.

Felix nodded, "My thoughts exactly" he said then rushed over to the lever, Hilda stood in front of the gate so if anyone tried to get in before the gate closed she would be able to stop them.

Felix pulled the lever and the gate slowly came to a close.

"Huh, that was easier than I thought it would be" Hilda said, "Well I suppose I shouldn't really complain about that though" she added.

"Our work isn't over yet" Felix said and pointed off in the distance behind Hilda, she turned and saw what he was talking about.

There were three soldiers blocking a certain area that led further into Fort Merceus.

Hilda frowned, "I bet that path leads to the Death Knight" she said.

Felix nodded his head in agreement, "I believe so" he said then went running at them while firing a thoron spell at them.

"Dammit Felix" Hilda groaned then went chasing after him, this man was going to get himself killed with that type of behavior.

By the time Hilda reached them one of the soldiers was already on the ground while the other two were fighting Felix.

To Hilda's surprise his attack worked splendidly, the thoron spells he fired at them really roughened them up and by the time Felix and Hilda reached them, they were no match. The last two of the soldiers fell, and now there was a clear passage.

Hilda continued onward climbing up this small stairway that led up to a higher platform in Fort Merceus. To the left and right side of where they came from there were Imperial soldiers manning ballistics. Hilda looked to Felix and he nodded, seeming to understand what she was about to point out and headed for the left side while she took out the archer using the ballista.

It was quick, archers never really had much power especially when faced in up close combat.

Once finished with the soldier, Hilda returned to the area that her and Felix had split up from, he was already waiting for her, "Come on" he said and began leading the way further.

Hilda stopped in her tracks, "There he is" she whispered to Felix, he nodded his head.

The Death Knight, his back was turned to them.

Hilda saw four figures soon approach them. Byleth, Claude, Dimitri, and that man who was at the Riegan estate.

Her eyes grew wide.

Isn't that an Almyran general?!

No, now isn't the time.

The Death Knight was cunning, and soon the area was engulfed with soldiers, Hilda hadn't the slightest idea where they came from.

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