The Crest of Flames:

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Byleth made her way to the archbishops meeting room, she brought the weird sword with her since Catherine told her she ought to take it to Lady Rhea before anything else happens. The walk to the meeting room felt like an eternity for Byleth, she was worried how the archbishop would react given what had happened but most importantly she was worried about this sword that she had found it didn't feel like any other types of sword that she had used before. She felt a great deal of power from it.

"Strange isn't it?" Sothis said "But yet this power feels somehow familiar" she added and Byleth agreed with her. 

Byleth was finally outside of the meeting room, she thought that if she had a heart it would probably be racing right now "Really a joke? And now of all times?" Sothis sighed "Hurry up! I want to know what is going to happen" Sothis demanded, and so Byleth complied and walked in the door. 

"Ah- Sweet child" Lady Rhea's voice sang, "I have been told of yours and your classes valiant deeds in apprehending those vile thieves that broke into the Holy Mausoleum" Rhea praised "I am most proud" she added "Is it true that you were able to awaken the sword of the creator?" she asked.

"I think so?" Byleth said "The sword of the creator" Byleth said while lifting the sword up "So that is what this is called" she added.

Rhea let out a small gasp as it began activating with Byleths hold on it "So it's true" Rhea said with giddiness. "Child, I entrust the sword to you" Rhea added.

"Lady Rhea!" Seteth shouted, he had been watching how this meeting would go from the sidelines initially but once he heard Rhea's intentions he decided to try to put a stop to it "We cannot give the Sword of the Creator to a student that we've just met!" Seteth reasoned "Rhea you're not thinking it through" he added.

"Enough, Seteth" Rhea shouted, Byleth flinched a little at hearing the archbishop speak in such a tone. "I have already decided to give the sword to Byleth" Rhea stated.

"Alright" Seteth said, he then turned to Byleth "You better prove to be of worth to yield the sword of the creator" He said with a huff, Byleth nodded. 

"So it is settled then" Rhea said softly to Byleth "I entrust the care of the Sword of the Creator to you" she added with a smile "You are dismissed" Rhea said "but before you leave know that Professor Hanneman requires your presence" Byleth nodded and then left from the room.

Byleth stood outside of the room for a moment just looking at the Sword of the Creator, "I really don't get that Rhea'' Sothis said "It's obviously precious to the church so why exactly would she give it to you?" Sothis added. I agree Byleth thought It certainly is strange. Byleth sighed and began to make her way to Professor Hanneman's office. 

"Byleth!" she turned and saw Dimitri heading her way, "How did it go in there?" He asked "Ah- I see they let you keep the sword" he added "Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the Sword of the Creator?" Dimitri asked.

"Yes it is" Byleth responded "Dimitri I'm sorry but can this wait I have to see Professor Hanneman right now" Byleth said.

"Oh- yes of course, my apologies I let my excitement get ahead of myself" Dimitri said with hurt in his voice.

"No need to apologize Dimitri" Byleth sighed "Would you like to walk with me? we could discuss it on the way there" Byleth said.

Dimitri's face turned a light shade of pink "Yes- Of course" Dimitri said with a smile. The two of them began on their way to Professor Hanneman's office which was much closer than Byleth remembered, she had gotten through maybe half of what had happened in the meeting with Rhea when they reached his office. 

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