The End!

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After their fight with those who slither in the dark and the King of Liberation Nemesis came to an end Byleth and Dimitri were confident that Fodlan was now safe from harm. And so Byleth ended her year long voyage and returned with Dimitri to Fhirdiad where the couple were soon wed, and then she took her place beside him as Queen in leading Fodlan to prosperity.


Despite wishing to remain beside the man who taught him of knighthood, Alois left from the Knights of Fodlan and returned to his family. It is said that they moved to a small town and grew a farm. Although this wasn't the last heard from Alois, his... "Jokes" still made their way to the others through letter and in person, much to Jeralt's dismay and His Majesties delight.


After the fight against the King of Liberation and those who slither in the dark, Flayn remained at Garreg Mach as a guest of the King and Queen. With her extensive knowledge on faith magic it wasn't long before Garreg Mach became a central zone for teaching it to the people. Unlike Garreg Mach in its hay day, this education was out for the public to learn and many in the area took advantage of learning this valuable skill.


After the war Ignatz managed to persuade his father to allow him to pursue his passion in the arts, and to his surprise he agreed. Ignatz traveled outside of Fodlan learning of other art techniques used in different regions. After many years passed Ignatz returned to Fodlan, more specifically to Garreg Mach, it is said that he fell in love with a Woman there, but it is never said whether his love for her bore fruit. Although it is theorized that she was the inspiration behind many of his later paintings.


Much to Jeritza's supposed dismay, he returned to his sister and mother. Both of which helped reign in the thirsts of the Death Knight. It took many... many years. And many pardons from the King, before Jeritza became more man than beast. He lived out the remainder of his life with his Mother helping the people, but if action were ever called for Jeritza would lift his scythe without hesitation.


To everyone's surprise the King and Queen both allowed for the church of Seiros to remain and left it in Seteth's capable hands. Although the reputation of the church was tarnished beyond saving, Seteth aimed to do just that. However rather than continuing in Rhea's lies, he chose to inform the public of the truth behind the goddess and her children. While the following may have been small in number it mattered not to Seteth, his goal was to rectify his mistake of years of deceit to the people. And that is just what he did.

Ashe and Marianne:

Once things had settled down after the war for Faerghus, Ashe was made the heir to Gaspard territory. There he took over his adoptive Father's ideals and land, he sought to improve the life of those who lived under him. It wasn't long before Ashe reunited with Marianne whom he had an infatuation with since their academy days. The two corresponded through letters and after a few years passed, Ashe sought out Margrave Edmunds approval and once given the ok Ashe proposed to Marianne. The two lived happily in Gaspard territory.

Caspar and Hilda:

Following the fight at Fhirdiad the pair began traveling around Fodlan. In the midst of their travels they were summoned back to help with those who slither in the dark and the king of liberation. After the fight ended their traveling ensued once more. It took years before the pair decided to settle down after Holst, Hilda's brother, offered Caspar a position as a Knight for house Goneril. Shortly after accepting Holst's offer Caspar and Hilda were married and the two had many, many children.

Dedue and Mercedes:

Not long after returning to Fhirdiad Dedue and Mercedes were married, they remained in the capital for a couple of years to help with her brother and reigning in his homicidal tendencies. Once they felt it was under control Dedue and Mercedes left from Fhirdiad to Duscar. The King and Queen were sad to see them go but understood their desire. In Duscar they became well known for educating the children on their culture. It is said that due to this pair the people of Duscar were able to reclaim their identities and restore pride to their lost land.

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