On Trek to a New Dawn:

401 11 18


Fell Star.

Arundel said Fell Star.

Byleth thought back to the last time that she had been called that, she was certain that it was by Solon.

The person who had impersonated Tomas the librarian, could it be that Lord Arundel was replaced as well?

Byleth remembered some documents that she had stumbled upon one night with Sothis when they ran into Dimitri, they were about Arundel and his rather sudden stop in sending funds to the Church of Seiros.

Could it be that Dimitri suspects Arundel isn't who he says he is?

"Byleth your making that face again, what are you thinking?" Claude asked.

Byleth looked up to him in, all honesty she'd completely forgot that Claude and Dimitri were besides her. It probably wasn't a good thing that she managed to let her mind wander off so suddenly after a battle, even if they won it, they still needed to be cautious in case of any lingering soldiers.

"Yeah Claude, I'm good" Byleth finally responded, "Just tired" she added.

Claude frowned at her slightly but it looked like he wouldn't press the issue any further, "I was telling you how we are in for a celebratory feast once we reach Riegan estate" he said happily.

Byleth smiled, "That sounds like an excellent idea" she said

Claude nodded, "I knew you would agree my friend" he said with a wink "But first we need to alert the citizens that it is safe now" he added.

"Would you like my assistance?" Dimitri asked

Claude shook his head, "Nah, the two of us should be able to manage" he said "Also you look a bit menacing, and that might freak them out" he added.

Dimitri nodded, "I understand" he said.

"Either way you should probably check on your forces, make sure everyone is getting healed" Claude said.

"You're right" Dimitri said while nodding.

Claude nodded, then turned to Byleth "Your taking Caspar's ship, I don't want to hear his complaining how he didn't get to fight" he said and took off.

Byleth chased after him, "Claude that's unfair" she shouted but that did nothing to help Byleth she still had to be the one to listen to the voice of complaints by Caspar.

Once finished with alerting them, Byleth got out of the ship and onto the dock to begin heading back to the town square.

"How did it go" Byleth turned around and saw Claude not far behind her. He laughed, "I bet you got an earful huh?" Claude said.

Byleth glared at Claude, "You owe me big time" she said sternly.

Claude nodded, "Yeah, Yeah, I know" he said with a laugh, and then paused squinting his eyes at something in the town square "What's going on over there?" he asked.

Byleth looked in the direction and saw most of the Kingdom army gathered around, "I don't know, let's go check it out" she said and began walking that way.

Once they got closer Byleth was able to make out someone shouting, it sounded like... Felix.

"Well Boar? Are you finally going to tell us the dammed truth?" Felix shouted.

As Byleth got closer she could see a confused Dimitri, he crossed his arms "What are you talking about?" he asked

"Didn't Lord Arundel say something about you and Edelgard being family?" Ashe butted in.

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