Eliminating the bandits:

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Byleth made her way through the monastery, she wondered why lady Rhea had summoned her so early in the morning especially since Byleth was about to leave for her class mission. Byleth zoned out as she made her way to the archbishop focusing in on the sound of her feet clacking against the cobblestone floors. 

Once she reached her destination Byleth stood outside of the room where the archbishop met with people for a moment, ever since her Father Jeralt told her to be cautious around Rhea she has felt a great amount of discomfort in her presence. She wanted to know why her Father didn't trust Rhea, and wondered what she could have done to cause such a fear and distrust of Rhea in Jeralt. 

The room doors creaked as Byleth opened them "Ah dear child" Lady Rhea beamed.

Byleth drew closer to Lady Rhea "Good morning Lady Rhea, did something happen?" Byleth asked hoping to soon leave the meeting and begin prepping for the mission.

"No sweet child, I summoned you so I can see how you are faring here at the academy '' Rhea said with a smile "You are enjoying being here at the monastery right? Rhea asked.

"Of course" Byleth responded "That is great news" Rhea enthused "Well I suppose I shouldn't keep you for to long since you have a mission to attend to today, May the goddess watch over you." Rhea added. 

"Thank you" Byleth said before turning around and exiting back into the hall and began heading to her room. 

"That was weird" Sothis said "Why would the archbishop call you in just to ask how you are doing, she is obviously a busy person it just doesn't add up" Sothis added. I agree Byleth thought it made zero sense to her why Rhea would be concerned with how only one student was liking the monastery, Byleth wondered what her true intentions of that meeting were, she felt more confused than she did initially going into it.

The class met in their classroom everyone was there and accounted for except for Sylvain, "He's probably fooling around with some girl" Felix stated while they waited and just as the Blue Lions began to leave Sylvain appeared in the nick of time. Now that everyone was there the class set out for Zanado Canyon to handle the thieves. 

As they made their way there Byleth noticed that Dimitri forced Sylvain towards the back of the group and began lecturing him on his behavior Byleth heard Dimitri say "Sylvain... I'm not saying you can't enjoy yourself at night..." Dimitri paused "But you must learn the art of moderation. Again and again, you end up wandering the streets until the early morning" He added. 

"OK. I get it. I don't need one of your lectures. I've got them all memorized anyways" Sylvain snapped, Sylvain told Dimitri how he would focus on his studying and stop going out at night if Dimitri accompanied him in taking cute girls out to the town. Dimitri got flustered by Sylvains proposition which led to Sylvain flaunting around Dimitri's inexperience with women "So how about this- I'll try to behave and you'll try to loosen up?" Sylvain said "I want to see you with a girl on your arm" Sylvain added. 

"I will... attempt to do as you ask. But you better hold up your end of the bargain as well" Dimitri said.

"Of course- Just one more thing Dimitri" Sylvain said as he whispered something into Dimitri's ear, This caused for Dimitris face to turn bright red.

"I wasn't planning on it" Dimitri mumbled.

"Oh sure you weren't your highness" Sylvain laughed. 

Their conversation was cut short by Felix "Will you two morons shut up, no one cares about your skirt chasing" Felix stated "we are closing in on Zanado Canyon now is not the time" he added. 

"Right of course my apologies Felix" Dimitri said. The rest of the way the group traveled in silence many of them were nervous about the fact this is their first time having to kill another person. Byleth worried about how it was going to affect them, she remembered the first time she killed a person she had dreams about them for months haunting her for what she had done. Byleth quickly shook that out of her head now wasn't the time for idle thoughts she needed to be ready for the battle that was about to happen. "Blue Lions brace yourselves" Dimitri said as they approached the bandits hideout.

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