Zanado Canyon:

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Byleth felt warm, she opened her eyes breaking the trance of her sleep. She was in a similar situation with Dimitri as she had been a few moons ago, however this time she didn't feel a rise of panic taking over. It was more of a sense of bliss being this close to someone, she felt his heart beating against her back it was a strong steady rhythm. Byleth just realized she never put on her bra or blouse, she sat up to find her missing articles of clothing. As Byleth was about to get up she felt Dimitri shift besides her, he then proceeded to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her back into him.

Byleth felt the tingle of his breath on her neck "Good morning Byleth" Dimitri said softly "You don't intend to leave me so soon do you?" Dimitri teased. Byleth rolled over, and came face to face with Dimitri.

"Dimitri..." Byleth said while she wrapped her arms around his neck then leaned in close to his ear "Where did you throw my clothing?" she whispered.

Byleth saw a pink tint fall over Dimitri's checks as he began to remember stripping them off of her in the name of passion. "Oh right" Dimitri said as he took a peek at her bare chest, then went to retrieve them for her. Byleth felt Dimitri watching as she put the clothing he had taken off of her back on.

Byleth looked through the window that he had in his room, "the sun was going to start rising soon" she thought to herself. "Dimitri, I have to go" Byleth said, he made a face and then sighed.

"I understand, I can already imagine what Sylvain would say" Dimitri sighed, and Byleth let out a small laugh. "Come, I'll walk you back to your quarters" Dimitri said as he headed to his door and Byleth nodded.

The two of them walked in silence to Byleth's room, in all honesty Byleth wasn't too sure how to act around Dimitri anymore she doubted things would go back to how they had been before. Byleth took a glance at Dimitri, he seemed lost in thought as well, she wondered if he were thinking the same thing

"So Byleth..." Dimitri began, but wherever he was about to say was cut short by an intruding voice.

"Byleth" both Byleth and Dimitri jumped in shock at the intrusion, which was none other than Seteth "Come with me, Lady Rhea requested your presence" he said.

"Of course" Byleth said with a nod and followed Seteth, she turned back and saw Dimitri looking confused and she just shrugged to him, unsure of what to make of it either.

"You fought bravely during the battle of the Eagle and Lion" Rhea began, as Seteth and Byleth entered the room. Seteth took place next to her.

"Comparing their efforts at the mock battle of the Great Tree Moon, the students have grown significantly" Seteth added. He then proceeded to tell her the mission for the Blue Lions this new moon. "It pains me to assign such a disturbing mission to you during such a blessed moment in time..." Seteth began. "However, next month your assignment will be to journey to Remire Village to investigate an abnormal occurrence there" he added.

"Remire Village" Byleth heard Sothis murmuring "If I recall you've been there with your Father many times".

Byleth didn't respond to Sothis "An abnormal occurrence?" She asked Seteth.

"I have yet to ascertain the details, but it would seem the villagers have been acting strangely" Seteth said with a sigh "I have already dispatched the knights to verify the authenticity of this information" he said with assurance. "They should be back shortly, I suggest you begin by finding out what they have discovered" Seteth added, Byleth nodded.

"I pray this isn't a bad omen..." Rhea sighed, then clutched her hands together and bowed her head "May the goddess protect you all" she added.

Byleth left from the meeting with Lady Rhea, she was making her way to her Father's office since he should be back soon. As she began on her way she saw Dimitri engaged in a conversation with an older looking man with long brown hair and purple eyes.

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