Tailtean Plains

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They had left from the monastery early in the morning. It had been quiet as everyone gathered at the stables.

This would be it.

Their final battle.

"Hey kiddo?" Jeralt said.

Byleth looked at him, "Sorry" she murmured "I'm listening" she added.

Jeralt furrowed his eyebrows in concern, "Hey, you need to focus out there alright?" he said sternly.

"Of course," Byleth said quietly while nodding her head.

Jeralt kept his face in the same stern look, "Be careful, alright?" he said.

Byleth nodded, her throat felt dry "I will" she lied.

Her Father talked with Byleth for a while then left her to go and search for Dimitri to scold him on being careful as well. She had to admit, she was mildly jealous of the relationship her Father and Jeralt had but they did fight alongside one another for five years while she was presumed dead. Maybe Dimitri filled that void that her supposed demise left, or maybe he just filled in as the child she never acted as...

There's no use dwelling on such things.

"Good Morning Byleth" Dimitri called out to her as he approached.

Byleth smiled softly, "Hello Dimitri" she said then paused for a moment "Did my Father speak with you already?" she asked.

Dimitri nodded, "Yes, he did" he replied "Then he was dragged off by Leonie" he added.

Byleth grimaced, "That's... Uh, nice?" she said unsure. Leonie's infatuation with her father had always disturbed Byleth.

Dimitri chuckled softly and shook his head, "I don't think she thinks of him in the way you think Byleth" he said softly "But I'll admit it does come off that way at times" he added.

"Agreed" Byleth hummed.

Dimitri was silent for a moment, just observing her "How are you feeling?" he finally asked.

How is she feeling...

Byleth mulled over the question for a moment, "Nervous, I suppose" she replied "What about you?" she asked.

"Nervous as well" Dimitri replied, "To think I'll be returning to the city of my birth after so long" he sighed "I just hope I could be the King they need me to be" he added.

"I don't doubt that you will Dimitri" Byleth said softly, he smiled. "You should have more faith in yourself than that," Byleth added.

Dimitri's smile remained, but there was sadness in his eye "Thank you Byleth" he said "I hope, I don't let you down" he added.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, "Dimitri, I won't become like them" she said quietly.

Dimitri looked away, "You don't know that" he murmured.

"Dimitri, look at me" Byleth said softly, "I won't become like them, I swear" she said sternly.

Dimitri didn't look convinced, but he nodded his head.

Byleth sighed, as much as she wanted to believe that she could help Dimitri realize it is not his fault she couldn't. In the end, he will always blame himself no matter what she may tell him.

It isn't long after that Claude greets them there at the stables and the army leaves for their final battle.

How far they have come...


It has been pouring rain.

It's hard to have good morale when the harsh cold winds of Faerghus meet the ice-cold rain.

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