The Cool Before the Storm:

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Claude had a relieved look on his face when Dimitri returned with Edelgard and Byleth.

He had to wonder, when did he receive news of Arianrhod? Did they believe that they had all died?

"I'm glad you're all safe" Claude said "We were a bit worried that you guys may have been in there when it happened" he added.

Edelgard was eerily quiet, her face was still contorted with anger.

"Our enemies will pay," Edelgard said sternly.

Claude nodded his head, "I agree, but we cannot lose focus at the moment" Claude said sternly "We have to still defeat Rhea" he added, Dimitri flinched at his words.

How can he be so callous? But then he remembered Claude didn't know, both Byleth and Edelgard were looking at him. Watching to see if he would spill the secret.

Dimitri would not.

"I agree" Byleth said "We need to kill Rhea as quickly as possible" she added, Dimitri frowned but remained silent. Now was not the time nor place to argue with her on it.

Claude smiled, "I've begun preparations upon your guys arrival" he began "We should be fully prepared to leave for Fhirdiad in two maybe three days" he declared.

Byleth's face fell slightly, "So soon?" she said.

Claude nodded, "The sooner the better" he said "Don't tell me you're afraid?" he asked.

"Rhea can turn into a dragon Claude" Edelgard butted in "I think that is a pretty valid reason to be nervous" she added.

Claude threw his hands up, "Yeah, yeah I know" he sighed "But we can't risk not fighting Rhea, if we want to unite Fodlan entirely" he added.

Dimitri frowned, "Maybe we could try to reason with her" he said sternly.

Claude frowned back, both Byleth and Edelgard were silent. "Dimitri, we have to kill Rhea, she has been imposing her religion on all of Fodlan for who knows how long" he added in a frustrated tone.

Dimitri slammed his hand down on the desk, "Dammit Claude" he said sternly "How could we know if we don't try" he reasoned.

Claude looked utterly confused, "I don't get what your sudden shift of opinion is about" he began "But let's talk again once you've cooled off" Claude said then left from the Golden deer classroom.

"Dimitri" Byleth said sternly "What was that about?" she asked, although he knew that she knew the answer.

"We had serious things to discuss with Claude, it wasn't the time to start a fight" Edelgard sighed.

How dare she?

Dimitri glared at her, "Easy for you to accept it, you don't care what happens to Byleth" he snarled.

Edelgard frowned, she didn't back down from his gaze "You act as though Byleth is the only sacrifice of this war" she said sternly "Lysithea and I will suffer the same fate, maybe not right away but the end result is the same" she shouted then shook her head "We are sacrificing our lives for the greater good" she declared.

"Enough, both of you" Byleth said "Dimitri, I told you that it's non- negotiable" she said sternly "As King of Faerghus you need to do what is best for your people, Dimitri" she said "And you know as long as Rhea lives the people will never have their freedom" she added.

Dimitri sighed and rubbed his forehead, "I know" he sighed. Maybe he had overreacted slightly, "But I do not know how either of you can accept it so easily" he added.

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