Jeritza Von Hrym:

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They reached Garreg Mach Monastery by late in the evening. Which was a good thing since there weren't too many people out at that time to witness them bringing the Death Knight in to Garreg Mach.

The ones that did see however stood wide eyed, and their mouths hung open at the sight of their Prince carrying in one of their most notorious enemy.

Sweet Emile.

Mercedes watched as his long dirty blond hair swayed with every step Dimitri took.

"Hey Dimitri" Claude called out from behind them. Dimitri stopped and turned to him, "I know you are trying to take the Death Knight to the infirmary, but we need him to be in the Abyss in case of anything" Claude said.

Byleth frowned at him, "Claude, shouldn't we get him medical attention first" she said "Believe me I understand the apprehension but, first and foremost we need to ensure that he will pull through" she said sternly.

Claude sighed and shook his head, "I never said we weren't giving him medical treatment" he said "I will send a healer down there, we just need to keep him in an area that can be easily monitored" he added.

"Alright, that is fine" Mercedes said, she didn't want to fight about it. Mercedes was simply happy that her Brother was alive, "Lead the way then Claude" she added.

Claude nodded then began leading them into the Abyss.

Mercedes had never gone into the Abyss before, she thought it was a bit spooky. She didn't quite understand how Byleth, Claude, and Dimitri could come down here like nothing it was so... gloomy. She felt a pang of guilt over having to leave her Brother in such a place.

Claude led them into a room, she took note to how it could easily be guarded. There was only one door, meaning only one way out.

To Mercedes's surprise the room wasn't as bad as she would have expected it to be in the Abyss, it was similar to how it was decorated up on the surface of Garreg Mach, only a little darker. But only since there was no natural lighting, in order to see you would need to use a candle.

"I'll go find Yuri and send for a healer" Claude said "I'll leave you guys to get the Death Knight situated" he added then left them in the room.

"Mercedes are you sure that you are ok with this?" Byleth asked.

Mercedes sighed, truthfully, she wasn't ok with it but... She understood the necessity of keeping him here. "I understand that this is how things must be," Mercedes said softly.

Dimitri put Emile on the bed carefully, "Perhaps we could find a room on the surface that could be guarded in the same manner as this one?" Dimitri suggested.

Mercedes shook her head, "No it is quite alright" she said "I know it is more about keeping the Death Knight hidden from view, than it is about having someone guarding Emile" she added.

"I suppose you are right," Byleth said, "I am sorry Mercedes" she added softly.

Mercedes smiled at Byleth, "Don't be" she said "Both you and Dimitri have done more than enough" Mercedes said "I know if it hadn't have been for either of you Emile would have been dead, maybe not at Fort Merceus, but later on down the road" she added. "So, I thank you for that, both of you" Mercedes said.

Byleth shook her head, "There is no need to thank us" she said.

Dimitri nodded his head in agreement, "Byleth is right" he said.

Mercedes smiled, "Still thank you both" she said softly.

The three of them sat for a few minutes in silence, "How do you think Jeritza will react once he's woken up?" Byleth asked.

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