"Wake up!" Sothis shouted, This caught Byleth off guard since she wasn't expecting to hear shouting on the inside of her head, "I'm up" Byleth rebutted as she rose from her bed, Byleth still thought having Sothis in her head was a little strange but she also found comfort in knowing that she had Sothis with her and looking out for her.
Byleth left her room and began to go through what she needed to get done today since it was her first day off, Byleth decided to go to her Father Jeralt for more advice. She found her Father engaged in a conversation with that Leonie girl from the Golden Deer class, Byleth heard Leonie interrogating her Father on his age which didn't sit right with Byleth "Hey Kiddo" Jeralt said as he saw Byleth approach "I have something for you, it'll help with your upcoming mission but I'm afraid that I left it in my office" Jeralt added.
Byleth nodded and told him she would go and retrieve it. Byleth chatted with Jeralt for a while before Leonie began grilling her for the information about Jeralt's age then she said goodbye to her Father and told him she would be sure to retrieve the thing from his office. Byleth made her way to her Father's office and on his desk she found a book that had a note with her name on it, hmm I guess this is what he was talking about Byleth thought as she inspected a book on battle tactics.
Byleth sat in Jeralts office for a while going over the book when she heard someone open the door "Captain Jeralt?" Byleth looked up and saw professor Hanneman entering the room "Oh Byleth! perfect timing I was looking for Jeralt to see if he knew where you were at" Hanneman said.
"You were looking for me?" Byleth asked, confused.
"Ah Yes you see I study crests as you know and I believe that you might have one and I would love to investigate it" he said, Byleth agreed and she followed Hanneman to his office so that he could find out if she did possess a crest. Hanneman had Byleth stand in the crest analyzer and it immediately went off showing that Byleth did in fact possess a crest. Professor Hanneman began discussing how he had never seen this crest before and he wanted to do more testing on her for it, Byleth agreed to the tests and then left Hanneman's office to enjoy the rest of her day off.
Byleth entered the dining hall she saw a girl with curled green hair and a dress that seemed to be from the officers academy. Byleth approached her and said hello, "Hello!" the girl replied "I am Seteths little sister flayn!" Flayn enthused, the girl proceeded to spend the next fifteen minutes talking to Byleth about fish and fishing and how at the monastery they have a dock so that people can fish. Before Byleth was about to leave to explore the parts of the monastery that she hadn't seen yet Flayn extended her hand out and gave her fish bait, Byleth thanked her for it and said goodbye.
Byleth made her way to the entrance of the monastery and there were different shops set up selling all kinds of wares. Byleth continued on into the entrance hall and then to the reception hall till she reached a long bridge that led to a cathedral, Byleth looked around and saw that it was filled with pews along the left and right on the inside of the cathedral. In there Byleth saw some church official that seemed to be freaking out about something and so she approached him to see if she could help and he told her that he needed three people to sing in a choir. Byleth said she would do it and she'll find others to join her too. Byleth ran into Hilda as she was exiting the cathedral and after a bit of persuading and offering to take over her shift in the greenhouse Hilda agreed to join in the choir.
Hilda went ahead into the cathedral while Byleth searched for another person to sing with them, Byleth saw Dimitri in the reception hall he looked to be lost in thought "Dimitri?" Byleth called out to him.
Dimitri turned and looked at her and smiled "Ah- Byleth hello" he said "Is something the matter?" he questioned. Byleth proceeded to tell Dimitri that she needed to find another person to help the choir instructor. "I'm not very good at singing" Dimitri murmured.

Emerald Rain
FanfictionEver wonder how the events in Fire Emblems Three Houses would have unfolded if Byleth had never been offered a position as a professor? Wonder no more, sit back relax and see how Byleth's story unfolds as she faces the growing moral dilemmas that sh...