Rumors of a Reaper:

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The following evening both armies set back out to return to Garreg Mach, Dimitri had wanted them to set out in the morning but... He had failed to realize how many of his companions would be hungover from the previous night's endeavors. So, he had to settle for later in the day.

Once evening hit Claude and Dimitri led the armies back to Garreg Mach, the whole trip Dimitri had been contemplating what Byleth and Claude had said about Arundel. Could it be possible that he really isn't who they think, rather someone who worked alongside of Solon.

It made Dimitri nauseated thinking about it, what if that is true then does that mean that the whole time, he was in the Kingdom he was planning a nefarious scheme? It would make sense, especially since Dimitri believed him to be involved in the Tragedy of Duscar.

He made a note in his mind to ask Gilbert. Surely if anyone would know anything it would be him, as Dimitri sat riding on his horse, he tried to think of any other people who might have coerced in the plot with Arundel. Only one other person came to mind.


Not only did she kill the Rufus, Dimitri's Uncle, and frame Dimitri to sentence him and his companions to death, but there was also that sudden shift in her personality that Dimitri remembered as a child. Didn't Cornelia also originate from the Empire as well... Just how infiltrated is this group in the political sphere in the Empire.

Dimitri knew that Edelgard had been working with questionable forces, that was undeniable, but... It made him wonder did she really have a say in it?

"Ha, pathetic" Glenn sneered "I knew you didn't have the resolve to do it you coward" he spat. Dimitri ignored him, and that angered Glenn even more. "You're a disgrace to the Blaiddyd lineage" Glenn shouted, "I can't believe we had to die, while a weak-willed boy like you got to live" he said.

Dimitri flinched at Glenn's words, he had to fight the urge to submit to the needs of the dead. To go back on his word and promise them Edelgard's head, but... Would that truly appease them? Not only that but could Dimitri live with himself after it was over and done with?

Sure, Dimitri had done bad things, really bad things but... Killing the last of your family, was that really something he could do now?

The dead will always be a part of him, Dimitri knew that as much. But... He also owed the living, for everything he'd done to them, all the senseless lives he took in pursuing Edelgard's head. He was so blinded by his own rage and violence he didn't care how depraved he truly became, and because of that he lost what little he did genuinely care about.

No, Dimitri knew he couldn't give into Glenn's foul words, no matter how much he wanted to. He needed to see this through, try to carve a path in which both him and Edelgard can coexist with one another.

"Are you alright there, kid?" Dimitri turned his head and saw Jeralt had rode up beside him.

Dimitri nodded, "Yeah... I've just been thinking over some things" he replied.

Jeralt said nothing in response to that, and Dimitri knew he could see right through him, Jeralt sat atop his horse just watching Dimitri, trying to figure out what it was that had him in a mood.

After a few minutes of silently observing Dimitri, Jeralt finally spoke up "So, you're really going to go through with this whole sparing Edelgard thing?" Jeralt asked.

Dimitri nodded, "Yes, this is something I must do" he said "I owe it to all the lives I have taken to try to find a way that leads in less death" he added.

"Are you ok with giving up your revenge?" Jeralt asked.

Dimitri sighed, "Yes and no" he replied "Part of me still believes that killing Edelgard is something that I must do, I owe it to the dead, but... I also must repent for what I have done to the living, all of the harm I caused, and lives I took in pursuit of revenge" he said "I need to make up for it, and if to do that I must give up her head" he added. "Not only that, but as I said before our goals align" Dimitri sighed, "As much as I hate to admit it, having her help in fighting back against the Dukedom and Church of Seiros is ideal" he added.

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