Strategy meeting:

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The trip back to the monastery was a quiet one, Annette seemed upset, but... Given the circumstances Claude couldn't blame her. Despite the fact they didn't have to kill the Baron Dominic, he could still imagine having to fight your Uncle would leave a sort of impact in your mind.

Claude wished Byleth or Hilda had come with him, they certainly would know how to comfort her, ok well maybe just Hilda, Byleth not so much actually now that he thinks about it, she's not exactly the touchy feely type, Claude chalks that up to the years she spent as a mercenary.

It took another three days for them to return to the monastery. They arrived at the dead of night and all Claude could think about was getting to his room to fall asleep, but he was stopped by Annette and Gilbert.

"Claude, I cannot tell you how thankful we are for your assistance," Gilbert said.

Annette was still holding on to her Hero's Relic like her life depended on it, maybe because in a twisted way it did. "I don't know what would have happened if not for you... And thanks to you, I got this!" Annette said and held the Relic in both of her hands to show it to Claude.

Huh, it had looked like it was an axe but up close it looked nothing like Hilda's Hero's Relic Freikugel, "The magic hammer, Crusher... The Hero's Relic of House Dominic" Gilbert said "My Brother would not surrender such a Relic without a fight... I hope you understand" he sighed.

Claude threw his hands up, "Yeah, yeah, I get it he had to put on a show for the Church and Dukedom" he said with a laugh.

Gilbert nodded, "House Dominic is one of the ten great bloodlines. Yet within the Kingdom we are mere feudal lords" he said "With Cornelia growing in strength, Dominic must kneel. To do otherwise would be suicide" he sighed and paused for a moment "The western lords, and other rulers, are in the same situation. They all comply, albeit reluctantly" he added. "I hope that the Kingdom will rise once more, under the banner of the legitimate King" Gilbert said.

Claude tensed up a bit, he knew that Dimitri would in fact ascend to the throne once everything was sorted out but... It left Claude wondering if his goal would be able to be achieved with him King of the neighboring country. Would Dimitri be willing to help quell this divide amongst people or does he want to keep in place those systems that confine people. Systems like crests or the church, it was part of the reason why Claude was willing to work with Edelgard they both wanted to get rid of this hierarchy that divided the people, except Edelgard was willing to go to extreme lengths to accomplish that goal. To Claude it just didn't seem like there should be that much bloodshed for the goal, he wanted to achieve it through acceptance of one another...

His attention was drawn back to Annette, she was nodding her head "I hope so too. That's why we can't give up!" she said enthusiastically.

Gilbert nodded in agreement, "To that end, Claude, I will require your help as well as Byleth's" he said and smiled at Claude "I hope we can continue depending on you".

Claude shrugged his shoulders "I guess you can count on me" he said with a laugh.

Annette giggled and shook her head, "Don't worry, we won't make you do all the hard work by yourself" she teased "I'll give it my all too! Speaking of... I'm gonna get straight to training!" Annette shouted.

Claude shook his head, "Annette it's the middle of the night, you need to get rest" he said.

But it was too late Annette had already taken off to the training grounds, a few feet away she tripped over a box "Gaaaaaah! Why would someone but a dumb wooden box here!?" she shouted and then continued onto the training grounds.

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