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"WAKE UP!" Sothis shouted, Byleth jumped out of bed startled by the sudden wake up call "Come on Byleth" she whined "I know you're tired from the ball and all but enough is enough" Sothis sighed.

"Alright I get it" Byleth said as she began to get ready for the day, she looked at her calendar. It was the 18th of the Ethereal Moon, there was one week roughly before her Father would return, she wondered what it was that he would tell her. Byleth sighed, not knowing frustrated her a great deal.

"I hate to interrupt your pity party" Sothis said "But did you see what else is this month?" she asked.

Byleth looked at her calendar, and there it was on the 20th of Ethereal Moon, Dimitri's birthday. "Oh crap" Byleth said, she didn't even know that it was approaching and Dimitri hadn't so much as hinted about it. Or maybe he did and she just didn't realize.

"So are you going to plan to do anything special?" Sothis asked.

"I don't know... what should I do?" Byleth asked Sothis.

"Hmmm, I do recall last time just the two of you went to town he wanted to go on a horse ride with you" Sothis said "Maybe something along the lines of that?" she suggested.

"Sothis you're a genius" Byleth said "And maybe a picnic afterwards" Byleth mumbled.

"There you go! I knew you'd think of something" Sothis said excitedly "But it seems you'll need to figure out how to ride a horse" she added.

"Shoot, you're right" Byleth sighed. For a brief moment she considered asking Sylvain to help teach her out; she could already see how he would implicate her asking in a sexual way, so Byleth decided asking him was out of the question. "Ferdinand, Know how to ride a horse!" Byleth said "I can ask him" she added, although she would have to hear his remarks about nobility but she figured it was a small price to pay.

"Hmm I suppose that would work" Sothis said, and with that Byleth took off to find Ferdinand.

Byleth finally found Ferdinand, he was in the knight's training hall. "Ferdinand" Byleth called out to him, he turned to her.

"Hello, Byleth" Ferdinand said with a smile "To what do I owe this honor?" he added.

"I have a favor to ask" Byleth said "I was wondering if you would help me learn to ride a horse" she asked.

Ferdinand looked at her shocked for a moment "In all honesty I am quite surprised you do not already know how to ride a horse" he said "But regardless, I Ferdinand Von Aegir would be honored to" he said proudly.

Byleth let out a small laugh "Thank you Ferdinand" she said "Is after class today ok for you?" Byleth asked.

"Yes that is perfect" Ferdinand said "I shall see you then" he added, Byleth nodded and began to turn away.

Byleth saw that Dimitri was heading to her "Byleth" Dimitri said as he approached her, she jumped a little at his call.

"Hello, Dimitri" Byleth said quickly, he glanced back at Ferdinand.

"A friend of yours?" he asked.

"Ah- kinda? I asked if he would help me with something" Byleth replied.

"Anything I can help with?" Dimitri asked.

Byleth thought about it for a moment but decided she wanted to surprise him with her newfound skill "Hmm... nope" she said.

Dimitri looked hurt for a moment but he quickly hid it "I see, so shall we head to class?" he asked with a small smile.

Byleth felt bad that it had hurt his feelings to some degree but she wanted to surprise him, "Yes, we wouldn't want to be late" she said.

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