The Sealed Forest:

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A few days had passed since the Alliance and Kingdom armies both returned to the monastery. Immediately upon their arrival Mercedes had begun to hear the rumors that the Death Knight is once again stalking the Monastery.


Mercedes heart sunk when she heard the rumors that he had been lingering in the area, she knew that they were enemies sure, but... she couldn't bring herself to even consider the possibility that she would need to fight poor sweet Emile.

She had lost him for so long, and now...

No Mercedes couldn't think like that, she was certain if Byleth, Claude, and Dimitri were willing to try to spare Edelgard, perhaps if she were to tell them about her relations to the Death Knight and how it's all her fault that Emile is like that then maybe they would be willing to try to find another way but...

Mercedes knows it might be a long shot though, especially given the fact that during their academy days the Death Knight had a fascination with fighting Byleth, whether he would kill her or she would kill him whenever the Death Knight appeared on the battlefield she was the sole object of his fixation.

But still if they could look past all the atrocities that Edelgard has committed then maybe there was a chance that Emile would be spared as well.

Mercedes sighed and began heading to the Dining hall once there she grabbed some food and looked to the tables for someone to sit by. She noticed the familiar face of Dedue sitting alone by himself.

"Ah, hello there Dedue" Mercedes said as she took a seat across from him, "How come Prince Dimitri isn't with you?" she asked.

Dedue sighed, "His Highness wanted some time to himself to think things over" he said.

"Oh no, is something troubling Dimitri?" Mercedes asked.

"He is unsure how to handle things with Byleth" Dedue said, "His Highness wishes to prove to her that he has changed his ways but... It doesn't appear to be going well for him" he sighed "Byleth has been despondent towards his attempts at redemption" Dedue added.

Mercedes nodded in acknowledgment, she understood to some degree why Dimitri was keen on proving himself to her but at the same time it might be too soon to try to impose that on Byleth, especially after everything that he has done.

"Perhaps Dimitri should give her space in the meantime" Mercedes said "It might be too soon for them to go back to how things used to be" she added.

Dedue nodded, "That does make sense" he said "His Highness is just saddened over how things have become" Dedue added.

"I know Dedue, but if Dimitri cannot force her to feel for him in that way" Mercedes said "It's something Byleth needs to decide on her own" she said.

"I know" Dedue sighed, he looked off behind Mercedes "There she is now, perhaps if I spoke with her..." he began.

Mercedes cut him off before Dedue could finish his sentence, "Dedue that's a horrible idea, really" she said and watched Byleth walk past her to grab her food. Mercedes hasn't had a chance to speak with her since everyone was reunited "I'm going to ask Byleth to join us, please don't bring that up to her" Mercedes said and Dedue nodded.

Mercedes watched as Byleth grabber her food and began heading towards the tables, "Byleth" Mercedes called out to her and beckoned her to join them.

Byleth looked a bit apprehensive about joining them to dine but she came none the less and took a spot besides Mercedes.

"Hello Mercedes, hello Dedue" Byleth said as she sat down.

Mercedes smiled at Byleth, "Hello Byleth" she said, and Dedue nodded to her.

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