For the Freedom of Fodlan:

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They destroyed their own city.

Dimitri had closed his eye, unable to watch as the beams of light fell down onto what remained of Shambhala.

They had narrowly escaped from it as the city crumpled around them, Dimitri is certain the fear of being trapped there will haunt him. They got lucky to have made it out of there with their lives.

They were injured, yes.

But they were alive.

Dimitri looked over at all his allies, yes... Yes, they are all here. Good.

Dimitri sighed and looked down to his left side where Byleth stood her gaze was fixed on the hole in the ground.

"Beloved" Dimitri called out in a hoarse voice, Byleth broke her gaze and looked to him "It's finally over" he murmured.

Byleth was silent for a moment "Yes... It is isn't it" she said, and a small smile fell on her lips.

Dimitri wrapped an arm around her, and she winced slightly, "Ah, right. I forgot you took a hit from Thales" Dimitri murmured and let his arm fall back to his side "My apologies, beloved are you alright?" he asked "Should I call Mercedes?" he added.

Byleth shook her head, "No, Mercedes needs a break" she said firmly "I'll be fine, it was just a bit of magic is all" she added.

Dimitri frowned, "If it gets too unbearable, tell me and I will call Mercedes" he said sternly, and Byleth nodded in agreement. Dimitri had a feeling she may have been more injured than she was letting on especially since they had to push themselves hard to escape from that city, but... If Byleth said that she was fine, then he would need to trust it.

"So... What now guys?" Claude called out.

"We should probably return to Goneril territory to tell the others the news" Edelgard said "And from there... Well, we are all free to go onto our own paths" she added.

"You know Edelgard" Claude began "Linhardt and Lysithea have been making good progress on their crest studies" he said "It might be good for you to go and check it out" he added.

Edelgard was silent a moment, then she nodded her head "Yes... I think I might just do that" she murmured.

The group stood in silence for a moment, and one by one they began to leave.

This is really it.

They're finally free.


It wasn't long before they returned to Goneril territory.

Holst had been waiting there for them at the gate to their estate with Hilda and Hubert, making sure all of their allies were accounted for.

For the split second when Dimitri's eye met Holst's, he could have sworn he saw disappointment in his eyes, but it left as quickly as it came.

Had the circumstances been reversed, Dimitri would have felt the same so he couldn't fault him on that.

They all celebrated together one last night, come morning they would leave for the monastery and from there to Fhirdiad.


This chapter of their lives was finally over, and they were free to do as they wished from then on.


Maybe the weight of the dead won't be so bad from now on.

Dimitri mulled that thought over as much as he wished for freedom from the guilt that their lives left, he knows this will not liberate him from it. Dimitri sighed and adjusted his head on the pillow.

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