To Garreg Mach Monastery:

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Byleth stayed un-moving staring at what was formerly Fort Merceus, but now...

Nothing more than a crater in the earth.

There were still Men, Women, and soldiers inside. And they'd been killed without hesitation.

It made Byleth sick.

"Emile!" Mercedes's cry rang through Byleth's head, she turned to the direction of her voice.

Mercedes had approached Dimitri who was carrying the hopefully unconscious body of the Death Knight. Dimitri set him down in the dirt so that Mercedes would be able to do whatever she needed to; in case he was gravely injured by Dimitri's strike.

In all honesty she was a bit surprised that his attack had been able to get the Death Knight down so quickly, but I suppose after their fight earlier, and all of the running there really wasn't much of a fight left in him.

Byleth slowly walked over to the two of them, "Is he alive?" she asked.

Mercedes quickly got rid of the helmet covering his face, "Oh, Emile..." she said softly while cupping his cheek.

Jeritza, that is definitely Jeritza.

Dimitri shifted around uncomfortably as Mercedes was checking whether or not he was still alive. "Mercedes, I'm sorry..." Dimitri began.

Mercedes shook her head, "Don't be Dimitri" she said "He's still breathing" she added.

Dimitri nodded but remained silent, they both stood there watching Mercedes casting healing spells on him. "Why are you healing the Death Knight?" Felix interrogated while glaring sternly at Mercedes with his arms crossed.

"Felix" Dimitri said in a serious tone.

Felix frowned at him, "We just fought against him, it doesn't make sense to be trying to revive him" he said sternly.

Dimitri shook his head and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Mercedes. "I'm sorry if this bothers you Felix, but I refuse to let my Brother die" Mercedes said in a firm voice.

Felix stood there silently for a moment, he looked like he wanted to press the issue further, but thankfully he didn't. Felix simply nodded and went to rejoin where the others stood still trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Byleth let out a sigh of relief, Dimitri remained close to the Death Knight and Mercedes, she figured it was in case he woke up and tried to harm anyone.

Claude and Hilda came up beside Byleth, "I can' t believe it..." Hilda whispered.

Claude remained silent and kept his eyes trained on the fort.

"Hey, kiddo!" a loud voice called out, Byleth turned to see Nader heading their way "What was with that... javelin of... light?" Nader asked.

Claude had a frown on his face, "Javelin of light... That describes it pretty well. The fortress was supposedly impregnable but look at it now" he sighed "It's hard to imagine that the Empire would do something like that. But if not them, then who?" Claude said.

Byleth was certain Claude knew the answer. She knew the answer herself, or maybe she just didn't want to conclude that Edelgard could have done it.

No, there was no way.

Byleth was certain it was that mysterious group.

"And for what purpose? If they wanted to kill us, then why wait until now to use it?" Claude questioned.

Hilda furrowed her eyebrows, "We almost died right now... and without an answer to any of that" she sighed then paused for a moment glancing at Nader, "But first things first" she said "What is he doing here?!" she questioned and pointed to Nader.

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