The Battle of The Eagle and Lion:

753 13 22

Warning: Adult themes


Things between Byleth and Dimitri stayed awkward for the rest of the Horsebow moon. On multiple occasions when Byleth would run into him in the hallways or training halls, Dimitri would ignore her presence and think of any excuse to leave. There was one incident that had happened in the middle of the night that Byleth couldn't help but grow curious about. One night when Byleth had been restless and found Dedue patrolling the monastery, Byleth having nothing better to do joined him. They ended their patrol shortly after they ran into Dimitri in the library, he seemed nervous about them finding him there then questioned why they were there. Dimitri then proceeded to say that it was late and him and Dedue needed to go to their rooms. Sothis made a comment about his strange behavior then told Byleth about a book that looked shoved onto a shelf. Out of curiosity Byleth went to check out the book and it was a donation log from someone named Arundel. For some reason it bothered her, but she knew Dimitri was entitled to his privacy so she didn't pry.

Byleth was heading to the Blue Lion's classroom when she heard someone call her from behind, Byleth stopped in her tracks. She turned to see who was calling her and came face to face with Edelgard "Hello, Edelgard" Byleth said.

"Byleth I've finally found you" Edelgard said excitedly "Do you know what's upon us this month?" she asked

"Ah yes the battle of Eagle and Lion" Byleth said "Have you come to surrender prematurely?" Byleth joked.

"Ha! As if" Edelgard said with a laugh "I came in an attempt to sway you to join me!" She said excitedly "Together we could dominate our peers!" Edelgard added

"I heard dominating peers, whatever it is I'm in" Claude said as he approached the two of them.

"No, you'd only slow us down," Edelgard said with a huff.

"Fine, I'm sure Byleth would much rather join me anyways" Claude said then turned to Byleth "Right, Byleth?" he asked, and Byleth just let out a small laugh. Claude and Edelgard both looked shocked to have seen her laugh. "I didn't know that was possible" Claude said in awe "I just assumed you didn't know how to laugh" he added as a joke, which resulted in Edelgard elbowing him in the shoulder.

"See Byleth this is all the more reason to join forces with me" Edelgard said with a laugh.

"Hmm, I have a better Idea, I'll stay in my current class and steal away all of the students in both of your classes" Byleth said "It will be one grand class" she added.

"Hmm, one grand class" Edelgard said "Maybe one day" she said with a sigh.

"I don't know if I'd want to be in the same class with the Prince and Princess" Claude joked. The three of them made their way to the classrooms, once they reached there they split each going into their class.

Byleth sat down with Lysithea, "So Byleth did Hilda tell you yet?" Lysithea asked.

"Tell me what?" Byleth asked

"About the Wayseer in the Abyss, supposedly she could tell who you are supposed to marry" Lysithea said excitedly.

"Hmm, I didn't take you for the marriage type," Byleth said.

"Why because I'm young!?" Lysithea said defensibly "Hmph, I'll have you know I'm just as curious as everyone else is about these matters" she added "Tell me Byleth aren't you curious about who you'll marry" Lysithea asked.

"I've honestly never thought about that," Byleth said.

"Hmm... My guess is you're going to marry Claude" Lysithea said, Byleth was a bit surprised by her guess.

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