The Princess of Brigid's request:

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A sense of dread filled Dimitri.

Her voice had been so eerily calm, and that has to be what scared him the most about it.

Despite what Byleth had said earlier, Dimitri still clung to the hope that the two of them would be together as they used to be

"You mistake her pity for admiration" Lambert said calmly.

Dimitri flinched, at his Father's words.

It had been so long since the specter of his Father loomed over him. Truth be told Dimitri had been relieved by it, and now...

He's back taking Glenn's place to torment Dimitri.

Dimitri ignores his Father; he has to worry about a bigger issue right now.

Did it upset her?

Was it bad that Dimitri wanted her to dislike Marianne having been in his quarters alone with him?

Dimitri sighed, he was certain that was a horrible thing to want.

Nothing was done, Marianne simply healed the wounds that Dimitri had acquired from the battle then left.

"To think, the Blaiddyd line depends on you" Lambert sighed.

Dimitri frowned but remained silent.

Should he explain why Marianne was here?

Byleth's words echoed through his mind.

"Dimitri is merely my ally, nothing more".

Her tone betrayed no hint of pain, perhaps her words rang true. If that is the case, then...


Dimitri rubbed his face, the last thing she probably wants right now is for Dimitri to bother her.

Byleth said she didn't care, well not exactly in that phrasing but, essentially right?

Dimitri sat down at his desk mulling it over.

"You're such a child Dimitri" Lambert said sternly "Leave the girl be, why don't you focus on avenging us" he hissed then stopped for a moment "Oh, right... You can't because you let that wrench live" he spat.

Dimitri hung his head in shame, "Father, but she wasn't the one who orchestrated your assassination" he said "Step- Mother was" he added sternly.

Lambert glared, "Don't you dare" he hissed.

Dimitri looked away from his Father then got up and left from his room.

He found himself outside of Byleth's room.

There was no sign that she was in there. The soft glow of the candle that normally shone through the window was not there.

It was late...

Perhaps she was asleep, or maybe she is elsewhere at the moment.

Despite better judgment Dimitri knocked on the door.

There was no response.

A few minutes passed, then he knocked again this time a bit louder.

This time he heard a thud from inside the room.

Slowly feet shuffled to the door until the door opened slowly.

"Byleth" Dimitri said softly, she stared at him with confusion. Dimitri realized in that moment he had woken her up from sleep, "Ah, sorry Byleth I didn't mean to interrupt your slumber" he said.

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