Foreword: Diana Symons

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Well... My name's Diana. I was born the first of October of 1989 in Britain under some strange circumstances. Let me explain myself: one of my two mums gave birth to me, but she wasn't pregnant when the day begun. I lived happily until something happened. I was one day coming back from school riding my bike when I started feeling bad. So I took one moment. I went to one side of the road, I closed my eyes and I took deep breaths. At that point I heard weird things. I remember hearing a dog barking, it was probably a very long distance away, but I heard it very strong inside my head. I told my mums. A few months later we moved nearer the "umbrella academy". It was a group of kids like me, that were born like me, and had powers like me. Of course I didn't know all that. My mums did, they were investigating for months before that, so they could be able to understand what was happening to me. One day while we were eating I felt something very weird inside of me. It was a very strong emotion came of nowhere. Then my powers showed up again. By the way my "powers" are overdeveloped senses (with is not always cool), be exceptionally gifted (which I'm not sure that came with the pack) and flexibility. Well, as I was saying, I started to feel wrong again (as always that my powers were activated). I felt disoriented. Very much, that's why I hated them. And my mums were fighting against each other so I ran away. After that day and for no reason I never grew elder again (that day I was thirteen). I got stuck on puberty for the next... I don't know, many years. I guess that Mr. Hargreeves (the father of the umbrella academy) found me sometime later covering my ears with my hands and sat near the fence. I guess too that he took me inside and took care of me untill I got better and my powers switched off. I spoke him about me, my story. He seemed really interested and said that his kids were just like me. Then his face turned sad. He said that that same day he had one more left. Poor Reginald...
The rest of the umbrella academy became my best friends. Even when the children stopped being children and left I kept going there. Also because my mums died when our house burned and Reginald became my only family. He trained me. He taught me how to use my powers, to control them.

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