Chapter 2.Run, boy, run

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Ok. The world was ending. I sat on the sofa next to Vanya looking to Five. The on who said it. I started to feel sick.

'The bathroom?' I asked Vanya.

She pointed a door with her finger and I went just through.

I looked myself at the mirror. Everything I knew was ending, we were going to die. And I could trust Five because he was able to travel through time.

I heard him speaking with Vanya. What the hell was exactly what I was thinking of. I started to have a headache. I washed my face with some cold water.

I thought. Who was I going to miss. I thought of Klaus, Vanya, Pogo, mum. My head. I just couldn't realise it.

When I felt better and I went outside I only found Five looking at a Cristal eye ball.

'What's that?' I asked, a bit disgusted.

'An eyeball.' simply answered Five. I ignored his comment.

'So the apocalypse, huh? What did Vanya say?'I asked.

'She doesn't believe me, well, she tries, but she doesn't understand, she's not prepared. But you do, right? You believe me.'

'Yes, I guess so. And it's clear that Vanya doesn't understand yet. It's too much. Give her sometime.'

'I'm leaving, I've got something to do. Want to come?' He asked me.

'Well, the last time I was almost Killed by a group of men with guns.'

'Look, those men probably know that you've something to do with me. And it's too risky for me to leave you alone, they could come for you, kidnap you...'

'Oh, cool!' I said sarcastically.

'And also I feel that it's very easy to talk to you. I enjoy your company.' He glanced at me.

'Oh. Okay, who cares, right? It's the end of the world!' I said and we both left through the door.

While we went to where Five wanted to go he explained me that he found the cristal ball in the future and that it may help us know how apocalypse happened and how to stop it.

It was already daytime when we got in the laboratory hall.

Five was looking around when a man came and asked us

'Can I help you?'

Five answered 'I need to know who this belongs to'

'Where did you get that?'

'What do you care?' Duh, Five, be nice I though.

Luckily Five controlled the situation and kept talking 'I found it, at a play ground actually. Must have just, popped out. I wanna return it to it's rightful owner.'

'Oh... What a thoughtful young man' said the receptionist.

Is not good to call him young man, lady I thought. But surprisingly Five remained on calm.

He said 'Yeah, look up the name for me, will ya?'

'Uh, I'm sorry, the patients records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you...' Answered the man, but he was cut by Five.

  'I know what it means.'

'But I'll tell  you what I can do. I'll take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner. I'm sure he or she will be very grateful, so if I can just'

'Yeah, your not touching this eye'

'Now you listen here, young man'

'No, you listen to me, asshole, I've come a long way for this, through some shit your peabrain couldn't even comprehend, so just give the information I need and I'll be on my merry way. And if you call me young man one more time I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall'

Said Five grabbing the man by the shirt's collar. You kinda looked for it some way I thought.

Then the man and receptionist called security and we had to leave. As we were going out of the building I told Five 'Well, this are the kind of things that I had to deal with basically my entire life. Just because I look young it didn't mean that I wasn't an adult. It's so frustrating.'

'That's it, what we need is an adult to be our "tutor" and then we got it. Those assholes won't be anymore a problem.'

We went home. Vanya found us in Five's bedroom chatting. She said that she was very worried for us. Then Five said something about being sorry and all that (I wasn't listening, I had more important things to think of, like the end of the world).

When Vanya left Klaus went out of the wardrobe making lots of noise, which made Five a bit angry. We were about to leave when I stopped Five while Klaus went down the stairs. I told him

'I'm staying. You know, to be with Vanya and all that, fine?'

'Uh... Well... Yes, sure, it's Ok, I also wanted to do some stuff by myself so great. Meet you here, and do NOT be alone. If the men from the doughnut shop come for and get you I'll be in serious trouble. And you too, they don't care about any body, they could torture you. Sure you'll be fine?'

He didn't seem very convinced about me not going with him.

'I'll be fine. I know how to defend myself. Good luck.' I said him to calm him down.

'Thanks, remember, meet you here, so don't move.'

'Go! You don't have to lose time.' Then he left.

I had so many doubts. Did he have a crush on me too, or he only acted like that because he cared of me?

And also, Five was trying to find a name, but it really would help to stop the apocalypse?

Luckily, I didn't have any loved ones, those that you have to travel a lot to see them, my loved ones were just with me.

I went down stairs, it was kind of suspicious to be alone in Five's bedroom if someone found me. I know that Five grew old in the apocalypse and he was used to other things.

But not me, I needed to sleep and to eat as any other normal human. I heard someone arguing, probably they were Vanya and Allison, I believe they were the only ones in the house of my siblings.

I think Vanya left later. I found Pogo looking for Allison later. She said she had been rude to Vanya and she regretted it, she was just vary pissed for not being able to be with her daughter.

Grace made me some pancakes (what else if not).

Later I went to my bedroom and I tried to sleep. I woke up some time later, after having a very full-of-action dream. It's a normal thing, after everything what happened.

I heard something strange. I closed my eyes and tried to control my powers. I think everything went pretty well.

Allison, Five and Luther. They're talking. Five's mad. He says there's nothing anyone can do. He went back some time ago. There's something else. A non-living thing. In a bag. Humm. It smells like something burning, no no, it's more like gunshots. And perfume. It must come from a shop. I centered myself on Five again. He smells like sweat. And a bit of... blood? Wait, the same perfume, he was in the same place as the object. Five's walking. He's going to his room. He's doing something in his injure. Is he... sewing it? Ok, now he's looking for something in his wardrobe, oh, they're only clothes.

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