HAPPEE BIRTHDAE Hargreeves (mementos part 3)

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By the way, thank you so much to all my readers, I can't believe my story has 1k views/reads (I don't know what's the correct term😅😂).
I love you so much, thank you for being interested in whatever comes out of my mind in the shape of a story of love with a fictional character played by a living angel 😍😍❣️

Have a nice life


Turning 14. 2003

I rang the doorbell of the house with the umbrellas all over it. I struggled not to drop the white box I carried. 

Grace opened the door with her usual smile.

'Hello darling, can I help you?'

'Hi! So remember I told you I wanted to do a special something for the siblings? Well I borught the cake. Although I'm starting to think you might've cooked one already'

'No! I didn¡t have time, besides mr. Hargreeves said they wouldn't have any distractions from their training, no matter what day it is'


'But come along now, he wouldn't like it if you lost money either'

I entered relieved, admiring, as always, the big old hall. I saw Vanya sitting up the stairs, writing something on a notepad. Quickly I hid the box behind my back and hoped she didn't notice I was there as I squirled towards the kitchen.

Grace helped me. She called all the siblings to the living room as I placed the cake on a plate and lit up some candles. 

We entered the living room singing the ''happy birthday'' song.

Everyone looked at me as if I was an angel. Even Pogo stood on a corner smiling softly.

Then we all had cake.

'Diana, you shouldn't have! It's your birthday too' Allison exclaimed.

'No it's not. I mean... I guess it is my birth-day. But I don't celebrate it. I celebrate my adoption-day. Because that's when I actually entered someone's lifes and made them happy. After all, that's what a birthday is, isn't it?'

Klaus furrowed his brows in confussion. 'But what if I ask you how old are you?'

'I'm still fourteen. I was adopted the 10th october, so there isn't a big difference'

'Huh' Vanya said softly 'I'd like that. A day to myself entirely' 

'I'd like that too' Allison defended herself.

'A day when I wouldn't have to share everything with you people? That'd be heaven' Diego said with his sarcastic, usual tone.

When Reginald found out what was happening he sent the siblings back to their training and I stayed with Vanya. We were playing together Beethoven's Ode to Joy when I heard a sound coming from a room nearby. I stopped playing and started walking towards the sound. 

It sounded like an old metronome, or a clock. Tic, tac, tic, tac...

I gulped feeling Vanya following me. I'm not sure she heard the same as I did though.

The sound was coming from Five's old room. I stopped in the doorstep, feeling weirdly dizzy. I had never entered. Reginald didn't let anyone in there. Only Grace to clean every several months. 

But the sound... I felt like it was calling me. I took a daring step ignoring Vanya's stunned expression and entered. 

The moment my foot touched the ground the sound stopped. But I still didn't leave. 

I looked aroung, passing my hand on the furniture, the walls... 

When I touched the bed my head felt like it was gonna explode. I held to it, loosing control of my powers and everything went black.

The smell of tears made me open my eyes. An image of a destructed landscape seemed to form around me. But it was flashing, as if I were blinking real fast, and everytime I closed my eyes I went somewhere else. 

I looked like a destroyed city. Further away I saw a dark figure. I realized it was him the one who was crying.

'Hey!' I exclaimed, fighting the flashes, trying to take a step closer. But my feet felt so heavy...

The figure stood up pointing at me with what looked like a gun, startled.

I didn't know what he saw on me, but he stopped pointing at me with the gun, like if he were confused.

Then the darkness surrounded me. I stopped feeling the warm wind on my skin, and the figure disappeared. I felt I was being pulled away.

'Diana!' Vanya exclaimed, as I slowly stopped holding my head. 'Are you okay? What's going on?'

'Yeah, totally...' I muttered breathless.

As promised my birthday chapter 19 days later. On my birthday.

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