Chapter 7. The day that was

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I was in my bedroom unpacking the boxes. I couldn't believe that I moved so close to the Umbrella Academy. In that same moment I took a break to look outside of my window. Their car arrived from a mission. They started to go out. A kid that was dressed with the academy uniform went off the crowd and grabbed Number Three. Then he talked with Mr. Hargreeves. Mr. Hargreeves grabbed him and left him next the car and everyone started laughing. I ran outside and helped the kid leave. He was more or less my age. He was crying. When we were in a normal, empty street I talked to him. 'Hey, are you Ok? What have happened?' He looked very disrupted. I cleaned his tears. 'Who are you? Would you like me to take you somewhere?' I insisted. 'I'm Harold Jenkins. And thank you, but now, I'll go home by myself' Then he cried again. I hugged him. 'It's all right. Then if you're sure you should go home before the press arrives, huh? With your parents' He cried stronger. I tried to calm him. We sat on a bench and chatted a little bit. He told me that he was born the same day as the academy kids and that he must be special too. 'Me too. But I'm not quite sure I have a power. Although I have this weird... I believe they're a kind of an anxiety attack '(Of course I was talking about my powers, but I didn't know that yet) 'If that's something I don't know how can it be helpful' After we finished talking he was much better, but he was still being very serious. He seemed unable to smile. He left then and went home.

End of flashback

'Harold Jenkins?' 'Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?' 'I don't know, yet. But I know he's responsable of the apocalypse so we have to find him. And we have to do it now.' 'How is he connected to what's gonna happen?' I started to remember. 'Guys' I said softly. No one listened. 'Guys!' I repeated stronger so everyone looked at me. 'I once met a Harold Jenkins. He said he was one of us, from the first of October, but he didn't know what was his power. He tried to talk to Reginald, but he told the kid that he wasn't special and basically humiliated him. It was one of this days that you all came back from a mission. He grabbed you' I pointed Allison. 'He only wanted to be a part of you. Just like the rest of us' 'Do you still...?' I cut Allison 'Having contact? No...' 'There must be dozens of Harold Jenkins in the city' Diego said. 'Well we just better start looking, then' Five said.

I'm sorry, am I the only one that's skeptical here? I mean, how exactly do you know all this about Harold?' She asked Five at the same time he made a grimace. 'You know those lunatics in masks who attacked the hose?' 'Oh yeah, I think I remember those guys' Klaus said. 'Yeah, the ones that attacked us while you were getting drunk' 'Yeah, them. They were sent by the Temps Comission to stop me from coming back and preventing the end of life on Earth's 'The Temps what?' 'My former employer. They monitor all of time and space to make sure that whatever is supposed to happen, happens. They believe the apocalypse is coming in three days. So I went to Comission headquarters and intercepted a message that was meant for said lunatics. Protect Harold Jenkins. So he must be responsable for the apocalypse' There was some silence and then everybody exploded with questions for Five. I smiled at him. So he didn't abandon me. It was part of the plan. While the rest talked I got next to him noticing that he made the grimace touching his side. 'You all right?' I whispered. 'He looked at me and shook his head saying yes. Then he smiled. 'Thank you... For coming back' I said. We both blushed and looked away. Then he gave one of this speech so we helped him. Then everyone left.
Diego, Allison, Five and I went in a car to a kinda police station. 'I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record. We gotta get our hands on this file' Diego said. 'And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?' Allison asked. 'I know the station like the back of my hand, sis. Spent a lot of time inside' 'Handcuffed' 'Whatever, here's the plan' 'Plan? I'm just gonna blink in and get the file' Five took part. 'No that's not. You don't know the ins and outs of this place Ok?' 'I literally just did this yesterday' 'What?' 'My yesterday, not your yesterday' And they kept fighting. Then he left. Some time later the three of us got off the car and Allison called Vanya. She apologized. Then Diego came with the file. Allison took it and I placed myself next to her so I could see it too. She opened it. There was a picture of the kid. 'That's him' I pointed the picture. Then she turned the page. There was a picture of Vanya's boyfriend Leonard. 'I knew I saw those eyes before' Then Allison explained the others 'Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peabody'
We went to his house for investigating we looked everywhere. Then Allison went to the attic. We all went there. There were posters of the umbrella academy all over the walls, but the faces were burnt off. I used my powers to see if I could find something else. There's us and... Wait, blood. Someone got shot. Five! I ran next to him and grabbed him when he fell down so I could softly leave him on the floor. 'Damn it!' I said teary. 'Jesus Five, why didn't you say anything' 'You have to keep going. So... close' he looked at me. 'Diana...' he rubbed his hand on my cheek and then he lost consciousness. 'Five!' I whispered 'We gotta take him home, now.' I told the rest.
We arrived home and left him on the couch. Then Diego saw mum and she cured him. Then everybody left.
I was alone sitting on a chair next to him. I fell asleep. I woke up with some pain in the neck. I kissed Five's forehead. A few seconds later he opened his eyes. He had this confused look. He was very agitated and he tried to incorporate. I got closer to place a pillow on his back so he didn't do that much effort, but I couldn't. Because he hugged me. It felt great. I slowly and carefully extended my arms and hugged him too. Right ther my thoughts were more or less something like that:
Ihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. He's hugging me. He's hugging me. He's hugging me...
You can imagine, right?
I guess he noticed that I was tense (not because I wasn't enjoying it, because I was not expecting him to do that) so he let me go. Then he layed on the bed again, turned to the other side and pretend that he want back to sleep. 'You, silly, boy. How could you think that not telling us we were going to save the world. Without you we wouldn't survive. We need you' I cleaned my tears. 'I need you' I whispered. Then I took his hand. 'I was horribly worried. First I think you're back when the Comission and then you make me think that you were gonna die? What's wrong with you? Do you like making me think that you're gonna leave me?' I joked. He turned to me and smiled at me holding strong my hand. 'I wouldn't leave you' Our faces were a few inches away. Our noses were almost touching. Then mum came and interrupted 'Five you're awake? You should then try to eat something' She said coming in with a tray. I stood up and helped her.

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