Mementos. Part 6

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Age 17. 2007

'Diggy! I can't believe you're leaving me!'

'I have to, Dee. You know I can't stay here forever. After what heppened to Ben... And Luther's turning in such a dick. If he wasn't already. Has he shown up?'

'Not yet, but I'm sure he'll come say goodbye'

'Yeah... Don't get your hopes up'

'You sure you got a good place to stay?'

'It's not great, but I'll be fine. Besides it's only temporal'

'Right. And are you sure you took everything'


'Um... I'm gonna right you down some of Grace's recipies, okay? To make sure you don't starve to death'

'I'll be just fine! I don't need them, I know how to cook!'

'Besides a boiled egg?'

'Well, I can... Um... I'll just buy canned food and a microwave'

Diana shook her haid amused.

'I'm gonna miss you!'

'I'll miss you too'

'You better come visit'


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