Chapter 9. The end of something

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The day Ben died was awful. I wasn't yet a part of the umbrella academy. But I went there. Reginald gave a stupid eulogy. He was clearly very mad that Ben, yong lovely Ben, had been taken away. It was unfair. So he took it out on the kids.

And then the kids on each other. At least it was an advanced stage. (the seven stages of grief). I got next to the coffin. I left a rose on it and sat on my knees, crying, as my friends fought behind my back. Slowly everyone left. But Klaus. Who was still in denial.

That's why he invoqued Ben.

'What are you doing' I asked as he walked away.

'Don't worry little one, I'll be back in a minute. I'm bringing Ben'

'What ?'


The Tv was on. They were mentioning us, saying we were the responsibles of JFK's death. Except Five, they thought he was a hostage.

Turns out Diego was inside the comission. He started talking about how he used the comission to be the hero.

I laughed loudly when Five and him started arguing, Five jealous and Diego exaggerating. Then the phone rang. It was charged with lots of energy, I could feel it.

'Help, help !'

Harlan, in the farm. With Vanya's powers ?

I went back. Vanya was coming downstairs.

'I'm leaving'

'Hell yeah, that kid needs your help!' I said walking towards her while everybody seemed confused at me.

'I'm scared, i don't want to do it alone. I want my family by my side'

'Vanya, We don't have time...'

'Look I'm sorry, we have other priorities right now'

I almost punched Diego for that.

'Diego's right, for once. We need to make our stand here and now'

I looked at Five shocked, disapointed.

'Lets go Vanya'

I sat next to her in the car. Then Klaus entered. He pushed me and sat next to me. Then they talked about Ben. Slowly everyone came in after him. Five made him move and sat next to me, holding my hand.

We arrived and talked to the mom. She was afraid of us.Then we entered. The boy was scared in the middle of a circle of energy. I slowed it down so Vanya could enter using her powers.

Then I felt the handler and Lila. 'Guys'

'Who are they ?'

'One's the Handler, the other's Diego's gilfriend'

'That's my ex-girlfriend'You know what, that doesn't matter they both look angry'


'Our brother has that effect on people'

I just stood there, looking t the Handler real angry, while they all argued.


That memory kept coming to my head. How he abandoned me because of her. And then came back shot. How under her order to ''eliminate'' Five, Hazel and Chacha killed Patch. How she distracted us while our family was fighting for their lifes alone. How she wouldn't stop the apocalypse. How she had tied up the donut lady. How the comission, probably under her orders again, killed Hazel. How she betrayed us. How she poisoned and kidnapped Diego.

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