Chapter 3. Extra ordinary

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And that was all. I opened my eyes again, proud of myself. I went to Five's room.

He was wearing the clean uniform, but he was still smelling like blood. There was a big bag next to him. I guess that the non-living thing was inside.

I knocked the door even though it was opened. He turned back and looked at me. We stared each other for a minute more or less.

I broke the silence asking 'Hey, are you okay?' He looked his shoulder and then he answered

'Yeah. Thanks'

'What happened? Did Klaus work?' Five looked at me. He seemed upset, but not mad anymore.

'Yes, he did a great job. But that asshole from the hospital didn't help a shit'

He seemed mad again. He saw that I was confused because he didn't end his story so he continued talking.

'The eye hasn't been made yet. So then I went for Delores and (you'll meet her later, ok? I'm kinda in a hurry) guys from the comission appeared'

'Ah. I'm sorry, and where are you going now?' Five had took his bag and he was about to go through the window.

'The lab, I'm gonna wait outside... Wanna come? That way I can explain you later'

'Ok. I haven't got anything better to do, actually' We both passed through the window and then all the way down the fire escape.

We found Klaus. He was in the dustbin looking desperately for something. He was talking about something from dad so Pogo would leave him alone. Klaus and him chatted for a bit while we went into a van.

Five drove us to the hospital.
When we arrived we stood in silence just looking outside.

'Oh shit' Five said turning back and opening the bag.

He handled me a bottle of some kind of alcoholic beverage. He apologized to a mannequin that he took out of the bag for leaving her in there for so long. Well, part of a mannequin.

He turned to me. 'This is Delores, and she's in love of meeting you.'

'Oh, famous Delores... Wasn't her the one that said the equations were off? Nice to meet her'

I know it was a mannequin, but Five must have been very lonely during the apocalypse and it's not that weird that he decided to "make her alive".

'That one, yes. She was with me during the apocalypse I found her when I arrived and she turned to my only company. I was just a child...'

'Yeah, back then... We were so innocent... I remember the day I met your family. Reginald was going to go look for you. He took me inside his home and sat me in his study. When I felt better we chatted. He told me about the umbrella academy... He told me about myself... About you... Then I said that he should go and look for you. That he mustn't give up. So he left. Then I met Vanya and Ben. They entered in the study. I believe that they weren't expecting to meet me. Then I met the rest of the family. I guess that my "best friends" became them... Well and Klaus. I've always loved a lot Klaus. At the begining he was just in my position: terrified of his powers. And probably he's still being a little bit. Just like me.'

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