Chapter 10. The white violin

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Hi guys! I'm so excited!!! The last part... I just wanted to say that and also that I'm planning to write a second part for the second season. I hope you're enjoying, and that I'm not being boring. Just in case lets start.


I was laying on Klaus' bed when we heard a very strong sound. 'Vanya. Lets go'

We meet with the Luther and Allison and start running away from the bedrooms. Diego, Klaus and I are supposed to look for Grace and take her out with us. We were about to do so when the ceiling started to break on our heads. Diego was hit by a piece on the head and he fainted. Klaus was so afraid because the ceiling was about to completely fall down and kill us. 'Diego... Diego...! Diego!' He tried to wake him up. I stood up as fast as I could and tried to pull him out of the place, but he was so heavy (because of the muscles, not because he was fat) that I couldn't move him. I was desperate trying to pull and pull. I couldn't lose him. He might be a little bit annoying sometimes, but in the end he was a very good person and he was kind of my friend since I was thirteen so... I was not going to lose him. Also Klaus seemed paralyzed, so if the ceiling fell down and killed Diego, ti will kill him too. Tears started to form in my eyes because of the anguish. 'Klaus! Klaus! Help me!' I shouted. Then something happened.

Out of nowhere, next to me, someone appeared and helped me pull Diego just a second before the ceiling fell. The first instant I thought it was Five, but then I felt that it wasn't him, and at the same time we pulled I looked at him. It was Ben. After getting out of the way I fell to the ground. 'Klaus, Diana, you saved me?' 'Uh...'

We were outside the academy. Everyone was there, even Five appeared from who knows where he was to tell us that Vanya is the apocalypse because of some... Headline. All this because of stupid Luther. 'I knew that if one of us had to cause apocalypse, it'd be Luther' I muttered as everyone turned to me.


'You heard it. This is all your fault' I started to raise my voice 'You think you're such a leader, such a grown-up. But the truth is that you were just a baby when you were assigned your number. He didn't choose you. You've stayed in that freaking home for years! The only thing of an adult you have is the body! Even Klaus is more mature than you! You like to think you're special because you're "the leader", but you're not. A LEADER DOESN'T LOCK SOMEONE IN A CAGE WHILE EVERYBODY TELLS HIM NOT TO DO IT!'

'I was trying to protect y'all!'

'Oh, and you protect us destroying the world?!'

'I wouldn't have done it If I knew this was going to happen!'

'THAT'S NOT THE POINT! YOU SHOULD'VE TREATED HER FINE IN THE FIRST PLACE! AND LISTENED TO US!'I tried to run where he was and start fighting with him, but someone grabbed me and pushed me on the other direction.

'You talk about moral codes and innocent people, but you lie to yourself. Cause you're a dickhead. And I'm never following your shitty plans again. Never. We're not on the same team'

I sat on one rock of the ruins and buried my face in my hands as tears started to form in my eyes. Everyone was frozen. I think I've never been so mad at someone in my entire life. I used to be soft and nice.

Five stepped forward. He sat next to me and rubbed my back with his hand. 'I know he might've caused harm, but we gotta keep going. The world needs is. I need you' He whispered to me 'Fuck, okay come on' I said as I stood up. Then some helicopter started to come next to the house so we left.

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