Chapter 7. The seven phases

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I was stretching my muscles whilst explaining Luther my plan. Diana was still weird laying on the sofa. She seemed hight or something. I knew that wasn't it, but still.

I sat next to her. She was staring at the ceiling with a dreamer look with he pupils dilated. Then she noticed me and she grinned in disgust.

'You smell like a baby, but ten times stronger'

Then she started panting, she closed her eyes and covered her ears and nose how she could.

'Did Klaus drug her?' Luther asked behind me.

'shut up' I tapped her shoulder repeatedly 'Hey, hey!' She opened her eyes and looked at me, relieved. 'Better ?'


'What's going on ?'

'My powers, it's like they're going crazy. I-I hear things and see things that are happening on the other side of the town. It's-too-much-input' She grabbed her head tightly.

I tapped her shoulder again, bringing her back. 'Has this ever happened to you before ?'

'But it wasn't this bad'

I looked at her, worried. She was suffering.

'Five, there's no time'

'I said shut up' I turned to look back at diana. 'We have to go. You stay here'

'No, no, I'll go with you' she started incorporating 'I just need something to stay grounded. Like water ! Is it raining ?' She turned to look at the window, but I guess she used her powers without knowing it because turned back fastly, covering her ears, with her eyes closed as she muttered 'Oh, no, no, no'

'Diana !' She looked at me 'We're leaving. You stay put'

She sighed sadly. I kissed her on the head and we left.

 I kissed her on the head and we left

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They left. Without me. I was alone for a long time (or at least I think so, I really couldn't tell). In the begining it was awful. I started recieving lots of images, sounds, tastes, feelings and smells But like, thousands within a second. I couldn't control it. Some of them were talking about the present. Others about what just happened. Then I started centering in each one. Controlling them.

'Today comes the president mommy. Can we go see him'

'Of course honey'

And another

'What a wonderful day it is. We can go have a picnic later'

And another


I opened my eyes, breathing heavily. Once my mind was all set and under control I ran to the FBI buildng. There was a guard in the front. He was not gona let me go through.

I heard his steps. His breathing. I saw him. I felt him. I smelled him. He was right there. I closed my eyes and centered on that information. I wanted to stop recieving it. So I said 'stop' and then I didn't smell him anymore, nor feel, him, nor hear him, nor see him. Just like I did wit Five's and Vanya's powers. He wasn't there.

I ran upstairs. I felt Vanya's energy. It was hurting me. I raised my hands centering on the new input and yelled 'STOP !' To my surprise it stopped hurting me. The energy was so strong that i didn't neutralise it. But it started to surround me. It felt like that day in the concert again, when I had my powers shut down almost always. Before the moon thing, of course.

Then three of my siblings arrived. They seemed to be very affected because whilst i was walking on my feet perfectly they couldn't even stay on the same spot without being dragged away. 

Sorry for the short chapter!!💖💖
Anyways, see ya soon

"I'm Herb. I'm an analyst"
"I'm Diego, i have a knife"
"I can see. It's very shiny"

My favourite lines of the whole episode. What a pity I couldn't add it.

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