Chapter 9. Changes

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We took Allison l the academy as fast as we could. Grace and Pogo said that she needed one of us to give her blood. We all offered. Luther couldn't do it, nor Klaus, he was "too polluted". Diego offered, but he fainted when he saw the needle. Pogo told Grace to use him anyway. Later we all left I was with Klaus in his bedroom when he started looking for something. 'Looking for drugs' he said to no one. I guessed he was talking to Ben. 'Dude, you shouldn't do it. You're improving with your powers, just as when you conjured Reginald' I told him. Then there was some silence. 'I'm done listening to you' he said looking to the air. 'Just go away, go away please. Yeah, well, soberty's overrated. Where has it gotten me? Where has it gotten me? Nowhere. I can't talk to the person I love, people still don't take me siriously! I wanna be numb again!' 'I take you seriously' I told him trying to comfort him. Small pause*. 'Yeah really?' 'I feel you're ignoring me to chat to a ghost' I pouted. 'Ok, I'm sorry, it's his fault, he's driving me crazy' Small pause* 'Wow, playing the dead card again? You need new material, bro. Well then avert your gaze' He sighed. 'You're right. You're right. Uh I'm-I'm sorry. Yeah I'm sorry'  He seemed to be telling the truth until he shouted 'Psych!' and put in his mouth the pill. The something happened. It was like if the air punched Klaus. It felt weird. I stood up. I looked where Ben should be 'Did you just punched him!?' I turned to Klaus and pointed at "Ben" 'Did he just punched you!?' 'Yeah...' he turned to Ben. 'Yeah... You just Patrick Swayzeed me. How did you do that?' He took a few seconds and then he turned to me and saw that I was still confused. 'He says that I did it'
We then went to the living room. Diego and Five were thinking about what to do next. Klaus was on the sofa bitting his nails. We were about to leave after Harold, but Klaus pouted so Diego threatened him with a knife.
When we were in the house a bit later we found Harold. His chest was full of knifes stabbed into it. Vanya wasn't there. He had an eye patch. Five took it off and put in the cristal eyeball on it's place. 'It fits' I said. 'Yeah, same size, same coulour, same pupils. This si it. The eye that I've been caring around for decades' Klaus proposed to go home and wait untill Vanya showed up and ask her what happened.

We arrived there. Klaus, Five and I were walking downstairs. Five asked Klaus if Reginald said something else about how did the apocalypse happened. Klaus said that he didn't, but he talked about Klaus' potential and how he had lots of potential that he didn't discover yet. Then Five and Klaus argued about being addicts. Klaus said he was an addict to drugs, but Five was an addict to "the apocalypse". He told to let it go. Five threw away the cristal Eyeball and broke it. I went upstairs while he prepared  margaritas. I didn't know what to do. Everything was over. Seven days away Five appeared after being seventeen years missing and told me that the world was going to end. I changed my outfit to something more like me. A nice, fresh, spring dress, a denim jacket and a pair of canvas sneakers (if you don't feel comfortable with that imagine whatever you want).  I decided to take my keys and everything and go back home. To my more-or-less-normal life. I put on my coat and went downstairs. I stopped in the hall. I turned and entered in the living room to say bye to Five. He was sitting next the bar holding a margarita. Delores was sitting next to him with another margarita. I sat next to him. 'Relaxing, huh?' I asked. He opened lightly his mout to answer me at the same time that he turned to me and saw me. He froze. He kept staring at me, without closing his mouth, nor blinking, actually his eyes opened a little bit more. I blushed. I saw how his pupils dilated. This could happen because: 1it was dark (wich wasn't) 2he took in too many drugs 3he liked me.

After a few minutes of us staring at each other I moved. 'Look, now that we get to have some time...' I took a paper and start writing down my address '...why don't you...' I left the paper in front of him '...pick me up tomorrow at seven o'clock?' I stand up to leave, but before I kissed home on the cheek. Then I started to walk out of the room while I felt how he kept staring at me and made some noises like 'uh... Uh...' Then someone rang the doorbell. He stood up. We arrived at the door more or less at the same time. He opened the door. 'What the hell!?' It was Hazel pointing us with a gun. 'Hey, old timer' 'Do you have my sister, and if not would you like a margarita? C'mon' said Five calmly letting him in. I know I was going to leave, but I was curious so I stayed. 'Are you here to kill me?' asked Give when we were in the living room. 'Oh, shit, sorry, old habits' Hazel put away his gun. I stared at them like saying "what's wrong with these dudes?". 'Well I can understand why you must feel that way, you know...' 'Well, you attacked our house, tried to kill my family and kidnapped my brother' 'There's no much that I can do about the past... Don't forget I'm not the only killer in this room. You got your own bloody history, pal. Speaking of which. That job you did in Calhoun, that shit's legendary. I can't believe I'm actually sitting here, talking to you after all...' 'Hazel, why are you here?' Five asked interrupting him. He was about to answer when Diego appeared and they both started fighting. I stood up. 'Ok, I'm done, I'm going to check how's Allison one last time and I'll leave' I said.

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