Chapter 3. The majestic 12

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We took Vanya to talk to Luther. Five and I waited next to the car.

'What do you think they're doing ?'

'Dunno, lets just hope they don't take much longer.'

Out of the blue we heard this noise. The wall had an enormous hole. Luther looked at us through it. Five saw him and turned at me chuckling.

'They seem to be getting along very well'


Then Vanya came from the side of the building.

'well that clearly went well, you ready to go ?'

'I'm going back to the farm'

'Hey, unacceptable, Vanya. Remember, we need to stick together.'

'Oh why so I don't end the world again ?'

Five scoffed and turned to the hole in the wall whispering ''stupid''

'were you even gonna tell me ?'

'You know what ? in my defense, no. All right ? And can you blame ? When you... you get angry hit blows up.'

'That only happened four times, Five'

'Great. Are there any other family secrets you failed to mention ? '

'A boatload Vanya, wich we don't have the luxury of sharing them with the' He knocked on te window of the car. 'The clock is ticking on doomsday. Just tell me that when need yoyou'll b ready'

'I can't help you, Five. I don't even know who I am'

'You're our sister. And a member of the umbrella academy. Like it or not that's who you are'

'well that's who I was. New timeline new me'

'No that's not how it works' But she was already driving away.

'You kinda did the same there, pal'

He looked at me and scoffed. 'Wonder if it's too late to be un-adopted'

We walked home.

'So what you just let he go ?'

'Well Vanya had a lot to process. She'll come around. I know she will'

'Last time she didn't, then she went get a boyfriend'

'What about the guys that went after her ?'

'The swedes'

'Yeah, I mean, how do you know they won't after her again ?'

'They will' I answered

'Any ideas who sent them ?'

'Oh, I have my suspicions. But right now our priority is finding dad and getting answers, 'cause everything else depends on it'

'Who, for the record I found lready...'

'And then let him go before we could have a meaningful conversation'

'He stabbed me'

'I'm surprised he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge'

'Don't look at me, he's not wrong'

'Good thing I know where dad's gonna be tonight'

'Where'd you get this ?'

'Found it at his office while he was busy stabbing you.'

'Hoyt Hillenkotter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a galla'

Then Elliot explained about the Majestic 12 and how Reggie was part of the organisation.

We entered the building in secret, after all we didn't have a pass. Five revealed how he didn't trust Lila while doing it. Once we were inside Five blinked us to another room. We couldn't let many people see us, we looked like kids in weird uniforms in an adults' event.

Five and I were hiding in a closet. I saw Reginald get closer and closer with one of those chimney tools. I grabbed Five's hand tightly. We blinked outside in the last moment. I felt theblond comission milkmen behind us. One of them dragged me away from Five as another started beating him up.

'No !' I yelled.

Then I started fighting too. Diego came upstairs. Ad he wasn't carefull either. I saw how the third one started choking him as Five was still being punched in the face. I finally freed myself from my agressor. After kicking him I walked/ran towards Five, passing a very confused Lila.

'I got this' I told her. But she didn't listen, she followed me from behind and kept trying to fight with me. I almost couldn't handle it. I pushed her away as I confronted the blond man so he wouldn't hurt Five anymore. The thing is, that with my powers it was very easy to know where the man was aiming, at least usually, but with Lila dstracting me it was much harder.

Music) I was made fr loving you

You were made for loving meeee.

At one point he punched me because of her. I was so angry I used my wrath against him. I kicked him really hard in the face and I turned to Lila, cleaning the blood off my lips and said 'you're gonna pay for that.

I turned back at the man and by jumping I slapped him with both my hands on both his ears, causing him loose balance long enough for Five to shove him off the window.

'Right, who's next?'

'No time' He grabbed my hand and blinkd us outside.

Reginald was leaving. Five yelled a part of a tale that Reginald made us learn in greek. But the old man left anyways. Again

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