Chapter 1. The Frankel Footage

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It was all really weird. For a moment I was holding Diego's and Five's hands. The next instant I was falling. I didn't feel the pressure all over my body anymore. I was falling. Backwards. In front of me I saw an enormous portal in the middle of the blue sky.

Then I hit the ground. I heard the wind around me, and people walking down a street. I kept my eyes closed. Wrapping my head around the comforting idea that seemed like a dream:

I was safe. With my family. With him. I Imagined the moment I opened my eyes and I saw his worried face looking at me. We had time. At last. Plus, I didn't feel the pressure, nor the pain nor the nausea anymore.

I opened my eyes. He wasn't there. It's ok, I'm sure he's just laying towards me, I thought as I incorporated myself and looked around.

He wasn't there.

'Five?' I whispered. I noticed I was trembling. I was still very weak.

I slowly stood up, carefully so I didn't fall. I was in an alley. Outside there was what looked like a very busy street. No one noticed me. I looked around in anguish.

'Fi-Five?!' I repeated strongly. Where was he? Where were them? Why was I alone? Nothing made sense. Not then at least.

I went out. Lots of people bumped me, others just kept wathing. After all I was thirteen year old (or at least I looked like it) wearing a very modern dress for the time (it seemed like if I were in the sixties or seventies), covered in dust.

I kept turning my head, looking for my family. I couldn't understand. Why weren't they with me.

'Excuse me. Are you lost, young lady?'

'Wha-at d-did you s-say?' I said angrily. A man was in front of me, worried. I guess I didn't look very intimidating.

'Are. You. Lost? Can I help you?' I sighed before answering.

'Actually, I am. I-I don't know where my family is. Actually, where am I? When am I?'

'Are you joking ms? Because i don't find it funny.'

The man ended up taking me to the police. Great. And then to an orphanage. Even better.

That turned out being my new home. It was awful. At first people asked me about my mum and "dad". Ugh. As I didn't know what to say I just kept repeating I had to leave, I didn't know where they were. Then the orphanage ended up calling a doctor. UGH. See this man studied medicine and he only knew like one percent about Psychology. I was frightened that one day they decided to put me in a nut house. I knew there was one in Dallas.

I had to wear a stupid uniform.

You could tell they didn't have lots of money

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You could tell they didn't have lots of money. The shirt was ok, but the skirt was made form a very rough material. It was brown. We woke up. Made our chores. Went to school. Ate. Went to sleep. Luckily I had excelent teachers (eccentric billionaire Reginald Hargreeves and robot nanny Grace) during my teen years. So I didn't have to struggle in school. By the way, boys and girls were completly separated. And the girls learned how to sew in school! Lots of our classes were built over the "perfect wife" ideal. EW.

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