Mementos. Part 2

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Age 13 3/4. 2003

I was chilling out in my room when I heard a weird noise. I looked at the window. I saw Luther throwing rocks at it. I opened it.

'What the hell are you doing, you're gonna break the glass!!'

'Diana, come down!'

'I need your advice!'

'ok, relax'.

I came out of the window and sat on the tree in front of it. I closed it and climbed down the tree.

I ran towards Luther and whispered-yelled:

'You've gone mad!!!???'

'No! I've got a date with Allison tonight and I don't know anything about relationships!! You're the only one that has dated from us, so I seriously need your advice. Please...?'

'You can't do the puppy face'

'ok, but will you help me?'


We went to Griddy's (the umbrella academy loved it for some reason). We ordered and chatted for a bit.

'ok, so are you planning?'


'Fine. You must be a gentleman. Do. Not. Push. Her. You need consent. Don't do anything that can make her uncomfortable...'

'Wait, wait, wait... Do what? Consent for what?'

'For anything' I said very serious. Out of the blue I felt this impulse, this necessity to feel the coffee in my mouth. I stood up and took the pot behind the bar. I put a bit in my mug, still leaded by that impulse. It was black coffee, but I didn't even think about it and I took a long sip. It was my first time trying it. It tasted nice at first, but then it was bitter and I burnt my mouth.

I tried to act like nothing happened. But something did happen.

It was like someone else had the urge to drink that coffee.
Not me. I was just a reflection. His reflection.

I looked at Luther. 'Have you got a notepad?'

We kept talking for a while. After that we went to get something for Allison.

'I saw this toy, I think she might love it...'

'Does it have a meaning between you two?'


'Then just get her some jewelry'

'Oh, that makes sense. She's so stylish, she'll find the perfect way to combine it'

'Right. Let's go, Romeo'

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