Mementos. Part 4

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Age 15. After the fire. 2004

3rd P.O.V.

'She hasn't gone out of bed in days. Even dad, is worried. We have to do something.' Allison whispered to her siblingd in the hallway.

'Yes, but we're no experts. What if we break her even more?' Vanya asked worried

'What if she breaks herself even more because we didn't help her?' Klaus tagged in.

'Yeah' Allison finished before entering the dark room.

The blinds were closed, an motionless figure was laying on the undone bed.

Her eyes were opened, full of tears, looking at nothing.

Allison layed in front of her taking her fingers as if she was going to do a pinky swear. Diego sat behind her and Vanya sat on the end of the bed. Luther opened the blinds slowly and Klaus and Ben stayed on the doorstep.

'You're not alone. You'll never be alone. Ever. Do you understand?'

No answer.

'Do you understand?' Allison repeated.

Diana closed her eyes to hold her tears and silentl nodded.

'Yeah I'll always be here if you wanna puke doughnuts' Ben said, remembering the time he had to hold her hair because she got sick.

Diana sniffed softly.

'Yeah and I'll always be there if you wanna play clue'

'Hey that's not fair, that's our thing!' Klaus pouted.

'I know you feel lost right now. I'd feel so bad if I lost this bufoons. But I need you to remember there are many people in your life that love you. You're worth fighting for'

And for the first time in a long time a half smile appeared on Diana's face' 

I know this is short, but like I needed to do it. Let me know if you liked it.


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