Chapter 6. The day that wasn't

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The next day Luther made us go to one of his reunions. Luckily it was in the living room. I took one of Reginald's liquors and served me a quarter of a glass.

'Wow, slow down, what are you doing?' Diego asked me.

'Can't you see it?' I said angrily.

'I thought you didn't drink alcohol'

'Well I do now, fine?!'

I mean. I've drunk before, but only in special cases, like weddings or New Year feast. When I first tried Champaign I committed the mistake of using my powers. I was trying to feel the different other tastes that it had. Bad idea.

This liquid was some sort of hard liquor. I put it in my mouth and swallowed it as fast as I could so I didn't spit it out.

I felt like if my throat was burning, like a dragon and if I opened my mouth flames will get out of it. I wanted to cough like if I was choking.

But I pressed my lips against each other so I'd retain t coughs inside of my body. I tried to breathe with my nose to stop the attack of them.

When I felt better about that my eyes were fulled of tears, but I didn't let them out. I wasn't going to cry because of a stupid liquid.

I started to look in the cupboard to see if I could find something to eat and calm my dragon throat. I found some cheese next to a bottle of wine.

Perfect I thought. I ate it slowly so it'd had more effect. The taste of the liquor wasn't that bad although, it was just too strong. I sat and started to breathe normally, but I had a hiccup attack. I took a bottle of water and drunk of it.

The hiccup stopped. Then I realized that everybody was looking at me surprised.

'You did very well, the first time I tried I wasn't even able to swallow it, the second time I swallowed it but had a cough attack. You did very well' Diego said.

'I prefer wine' I whispered with a broken voice.

Luther told the rest what Five had told him. I felt a little bit dizzy. My brain was a little but asleep. I know I just took in a small amount of the liquor, but as I wasn't used to alcohol it had more impact on me.

Then Vanya came. She was with a guy. Her boyfriend Leonard. He looked at me in the eye for one second.

I've seen those eyes... I looked back at him with confusion Meh, he must have one of those faces...

'Hey. What's going on?' Vanya said.

'It's a family matter' Allison answered.

I'm sure she was referring to Leonard but Can't thought of it in a wrong way.

'Family matter. So of course you couldn't bother to include me'

Luther tried to fix it 'No, it's not like that. We were...'

'Don't let me interrupt'

Allison said 'Please, I'll tell you in later, when we we're alone'

'Please, please, don't bother. And I won't either'

'Vanya that's not fair'

'Fair? There's nothing fair about being your sister. I have been left out of everything for as long as I can't remember. And I used to think it was dad's fault, but his dead turns out you are the assholes'

'Vanya, Vanya please'.

'Vanya!' I said.

I got out of the room but she wasn't there anymore. When I came back Inside the living room with the rest of my siblings.

'Very well done, guys' I said sarcastically. I took the bottle of wine and served myself a glass. I drunk it. Yeah, definitely better. The guys were arguing about the apocalypse. 'Wht give us a win this time?' Diego said. 'Five. And Diana. Last time we didn't have them. We weren't all together. This time we have the full force of the Umbrella Academy. That's what we need.' I sighed. 'Oh yeah? I mean, can you see him? His sat right there. I truly believe that we have him this time. I would like to do so. But life's not like that. Luther, we don't have him. He's gone. He's abandoned us. Straight to the other side. I don't think he'll help us. At least not untill I see him again. Call me when that happens. I'll be right in my bedroom' Then I left. Everything that I said was true. He left us. Me.
I went to my room later I heard someone. It was Diego and Klaus. Diego was trying Klaus to a chair. I didn't even ask. They were talking about some guy Klaus lost. 'You met him while you were..."out"?' I interrupted. 'Yeah, the first day.' 'Wait. You spent that hole time with him? That beats the osso buco guy, huh?' We chatted a bit more and then I left.
I didn't know where to go. I took a coat and a purse and I went at Vanya's. There was no one at home. I opened with a copy of the key. Everything was empty. I guess she was with this Leonard. I looked to it a little bit. It was nice. As I didn't have anything to do I tried to relax. I was going to prepare myself a coffee, but then I made some chocolate. I couldn't go back to the academy. It was just too much for the last days. I went back to my apartment. I didn't go there since a lot, because before everything happened I spent some time with Reginald.
When I got there I couldn't handle it anymore and I started crying. SO many things in the last days. I couldn't believe that I had put so much hope on someone that I just met because of a stupid crush. I went to my bedroom and I layed on it. I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I remember was waking up when it was night. I stood up when...

Back in time
Wednesday 8:15 am (again)

'What five us a win this time' Diego said. 'Something's coming' I muttered at the same time my pupils dilated just before Five appeared with a suitcase on the table. 'Je-Jesus' 'Hey guys, am I still hight or do you see him too?' I put my hand on his shoulder 'Five?' I whispered. One way I was so happy to see him back. But I was also worried because he seemed bad. He glanced at me for a second while someone asked 'Five, where have you been?' Then he rolled of the table. 'You all right?' Allison asked when he almost fell. 'Who did this?' 'Irrelevant' Five finally answered. I smiled. I couldn't believe that he was back, I didn't care how or why he did everything, at least he didn't leave. 'The apocalypse is in three days. The only chance we have to save our world is, well, us' 'The umbrella academy' Luther said 'Yeah, but with me, obviously. So if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves we're screwed. Who cares if dad messed us up. You're gonna let that define us? No. And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead' He showed us a paper 'I know who's responsable for the apocalypse' He gave it to Allison, who opened it 'This is who we have to stop' We all read it. It said "protect Harold Jenkins". 'Harold Jenkins?' Allison asked. 'Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?' Diego added.

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