Chapter 4. The man on the moon

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The next thing I remember was listening how something burned up. I opened my eyes. The lab was covered by flames. Dammit. I thought.

I ran towards it. I left some distance in respect. I saw Five coming too. He appeared from nowhere.

Something's coming I felt at the same time my pupils dilated a millisecond before a giant explosion pushed him back.

I ran next to him.

'Five! Five!' I took him by the head. I could hear his heartbeat. Our noses were like one inch apart when he tried to incorporate.

It was so fast. I walked back to leave him some space. He looked sad to the hospital.

'I'm so sorry, Five... I didn't... Sorry'

'It's not your fault. It's none of us... I'll go... Yeah... Meet you... Uh... Take care of my stuff in the van... I'll see you later'

Then he left walking making zig zags. I understood he needed some space. I went to the van. I waited.

Few time later I saw Luther and Diego  coming by. They faugh to see who was going to be the first in entering the van.

'Hi, Diana. We're looking for Five, he's missing, do you know where is he?'

'What? No' I started to worry.

Diego looked in his bag and his stuff. He opened a notebook and said

'I know where Five is'

We went to a library. We looked all over it but we didn't find him. We were in the fifth floor when Luther said 'Anything?'

We both said no.

'You wanna know why I left Diego asked.

'What? What are you talking about?'

'Why I left the academy'

'Yeah, 'cause you couldn't handle me being number one'

'No. Because that's what you do when you're 17. Move out, become your own person, grow up'

'Oh yeah, you're a real grown-up'

'At least I make my own decisions. You've never had to hold down a job, pay bills... You ever even been with a girl?'

'Ah... I don't know what you're talking about'

'Look. You wanna blame me, blame us for leaving, it's ok. But maybe you're asking yourself the wrong question. Maybe it's not about why we left. Maybe it's about why you stayed'

'I stayed because the world needed me'

'You stayed because you couldn't let go the way things used to be. The academy, dad, with Allison. Dad's dead. Mom too now. We're orphans again, dude. And things are never gonna go back the way they used to be'

I rolled my eyes SO hard

'Enough. We don't have time for that now'

I closed my eyes end tried to use my powers to find Five I can smell alcohol... He's very close to us. And Delores. Over there I walked where he was.

Meanwhile I crossed with a woman that said they were going to call security. No doubt. There he was.

Very drunk, sitting on the floor surrounded by notebooks and asleep.

'Is he...?' Luther said.

'Drunk as a skunk'

We took him and left.

We were going through the street when Luther said 'Well, we can't go back to the house. It's not secure. Those psychopaths can come back at any moment.'

'My place is closer and no one will look for him there' Then Five burped

'If you vomit on me...'

Luther threatened him. 'You know what's funny? I'm going through puberty. Twice' Five said.

'Well, I got stuck in it so...'

'I drunk the hole bottle, didn't I? That's what you do when the world you loves goes bye-bye. Poof, gone. What are you guys talking about?'

Luther answered 'Two masked intruder attacked the academy last night'

'What? You didn't tell me' I said

The comission I thought.

'They came looking for Five. So I need you to focus. What de they want?' Diego ignored me.

'Hazel and Cha-Cha' Five muttered.

'Who?' Diego asked.

'You know I hate code names' Luther said

'Ah, they're teh best of the best. Except for me, of course'

'The best of what' Diego insisted. 'You know? Delores always said she hated when I drink. She said it made me surly'

'Hey!' Diego was loosing his patience.

'Don't shout at him' I muttered.

'Hm? Yeah?' Five said.

'I need you to focus. What do this Hazel and Cha-Cha want?' Five smiled stupidly. 'We just wanna protect you.'

'Protect me... I don't need your protection, Diego. You've any idea of how many people I've killed? No. I'm the four freaking horsemen. The apocalypse is coming'

Then he turned back and vomited. I tried not to laugh. He sounded so funny when he was drunk. Five went back asleep.

Luther left him later on Diego's bed. 'Funny. If I didn't know he was such a prick I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep'

What could you tell me I thought while the three of us looked at him, me with a little smile.

I sat next to him while Luther and Diego went to the other side of the room.

Meanwhile I tried to organise Five's hair. It was so soft. As his skin. I noticed that when I rubbed his cheek. It was warm... He was so handsome.

He half opened his eyes and I immediately stopped touching him. He looked at me, smiled and whispered 'You're so pretty' like if he was answering my thought.

I blushed. Then he went back to sleep. No one noticed.

In that moment a Luther and Diego got very tense. They heard some noises outside. It was a man called Al who worked there with Diego. He said that Patch called Diego and that she had found our brother. At first we all doubted, then Diego and Luther said at the same time

'Klaus'. Diego muttered something like " Eudora, she needs my help?" and he went running through the door.

He was in love. Then I got alone with Luther and a slept Five.

I know this chapter has been a little bit shorter. I Just followed the original episode from Netflix and it turned out like this. I hope you are enjoying. Ok that's all I've got to say and now I'm writing because I like to. That's it.

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