Chapter 5. A light supper

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'So what's your plan ?'

'Well, I'm definitely not taking her deal until I'm sure she's our only option'

'That's is clear you shouldn't trust her, but what are your options.'

'I'm gonna find dad, get answers and hopefully he'll help understand time travel.'

'And if he doesn't help ?'

'I'll have to take her deal'

'No !'

'Diana, we don't have other options, we don't belong here'

I sighed. 'I don't like our options'

'What ? Dad isn't a bad option'

'Practically no, but emotionally. If we tell him th whole truth he'll just adopt us because he's supposed to'

'And ?'

'And everything I've ever though of him is a lie. He'll be that monster with no heart Diego talked about in his funeral. I always tried to see his good side. He helped me, Five. I thought he was merciful. He kept track of you missing, I thought he loved you. All of us. In the very bottom. But if we go there, then it wasn't true. He didn't help me because he wanted to. He didn't love us. And if he can't love why would he help us now ?'

'Is that why you got so nervous the other day in the closet' I pressed my lips together and nodded 'You can stay here if you want' He started getting ready.

'I'm not leaving you face him alone'

'Maybe the others will go too'

'Maybe, but they didn't seem very interested.'

Late that day we entered the building. Five seemed nervous. I was too, but slowly everyone showed up.

'Good we're all here' I saw him smile with the back of my eye.

The place itself looked nice.

'Okay when dad gets here I'll do the talking.' Five said starting an argument that ended up breaking a conch shell. I didn't say a word. I only looked down and hold Five's hand.

They all showed their powers except me. Cute little Vanya showed her power scaring everyone. They all started arguing and got away from the table. I really wouldn't listen. I just looked at Vanya and smiled her back. It surprised me when she blew up the pile of fruit. For some reason I was more sensitive (in the super-senses ways) so it hurt me when Vanya blew it up with sound waves.

I grunted out loud and I held my ears as I heard A hight pitch sound. Five stroked my back with one hand while with the other he cleaned the pieces of fruit off me

Diego tried to make Reginald explain why he was where the resident gets killed.

'You fancy yourself a do-gooder ? The last good man who will safe us from our descent into corruption and conspiracy ? This is a fantastic delusion.

Shut up

' The sad rallity is that you're a desperate man, tragically unaware of his own insignificance' I looked at Reginald angrily, breathing heavily.

Leave him alone

' desperately clinging to his own ineffectual reasoning' Diego started sitting down.

I don't want to hear your voice

A tiny tear ran down Diego's cheek. 'stop it' I whispered. Only Five heard me. But then something happened. Reginald seemed to try and keep talking, but his voice didn't come out. He tried again. Same result.

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