Chapter 4. Valhalla

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'I'm starting to have the feeling dad's avoiding us'

'Hate to be the boring one guys, but uh, it's time we get the hell out of here.'

'When we say we, who exactly are you referring to'

'Not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence'

'Listen I don't know who you are or where you came from, but whatever it is I'd advise you return posthaste'

'She's right Five, we gotta get outta here'

'I was trying to safe your life you kinder-shit'

'He didn't need you there' I said defensive

'Exactly, you kept trying, you knew what you were doing. You're too good, you ask too many questions. You know too much'

'He's got a point'

'So I know what to do in bad situations and that makes me the bad guy ?'

'Whoever you are, you're in my way. If I see you again, I will kill you.' He took my hand and we left.

'Five, don't be so harsh on her. She was in an asylum before we found her. I mean yeah, was it weird that she tried so hard on keeping you safe ? Sure, but what if she wasn't lying and she was just trying to help the kid' I said as we walked through the empty streets of Dallas in the middle of the night.

'I'm not a kid'

'She doesn't know that'

'Doesn't she ?'

I looked away, thoughtful. 'Maybe you're right. But killing her ? Maybe that's too much. I mean, if she's not who she says she is, who is she ? She's not with the comission'

He stopped harshly and looked my in the eye. 'I don't know! But I don't trust her, and neither should you'

'Geez, sorry'

'lets go home'

We arrived. I stopped as Five took off his jacket and vest, clearly tired from the day. I smelled Luther's scent, and Eliot's. They were drugged, and asleep.

'Real classy' I whispered noticing Luther on my bed.

Five gave me a soft smile before taking me by my waist and gently dragging me to the room he was staying in. He guided me and sat me on the end of the bed.

'You stay here'

'And where are you gonna stay ?'


I shook my head chuckling and pulled his wrists so he would fall next to me.

We layed on the bed looking into each other's eyes. Our noses were touching.

'I missed you' I whispered.

And we kissed passionately.

I turned of the lights and buried myself in his chest. He stroked my hair lovingly. I felt his breathing on my skin. I fell asleep listening his heart beat

I woke up without any kind of blanket, only my yesterday's clothes, but I wasn't cold. I felt Five, still hugging me, he was asleep. But there was something else. I slightly raised my head to look at the door. Luther and Diego looked at us very confused and a little bit disgusted. I incorporated and looked back at them with the exact same look on my face.

Seemed like Five woke up because two ''whooshes'' and blue lights later the door was closed and he was sitting next to me with a smirk on his face. We heard steps fading away.

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