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That's all the mementos I'm doing. And I promise this is the last thing I'm doing out of the series's actual plot line.

Here you got the "what if..."

"What if Diana had made it to the Hargreeves' five minutes earlier"

3rd P.O.V.

'Who the fuck are you?' Five Hargreeves asked to the girl sitting next to the fence.

She held her ears tight, her eyes closed shut.

'Are you alright?' he asked almost annoyed.

No answer.

'Five. Five!' A man's voice yelled from insde the house.

The girl grunted loudly at the sound. 

Five jumped the face and looked at the girl. He hesitated, but then he teleported them both away to the park. 

Apparently that was the only thing she needed to be brought back.

She trembled, breathing heavily as the world seemed to twirl around her. 

'What did you do!?' she asked scared

'What happened to you!?'

'I'm not sure. I get it sometimes, I don't know what it is. Wait... You're a member of the umbrella academy!'

'Yeah...' he sighed

'Don't you get those too?'

'No' he answered weirded out.

'But, I'm like you... You should get them too, that's why we moved here!'

'Look, I don't know what you're talking about but I was about to do something very special and you ruined it. So, at least apologize' he demanded with atittude

'Weren't you born the 1st of October without a pregnancy?' she ignored him

'Do you mean you have powers?'

'I thought so. It seemed like the only explanation! But if you don't have them what's wrong with me!?' she asked in anguish

'Okay, calm down. Everybody's different. I don't have the same power as my siblings, so I don't necessarily need to get whatever you get. Wait, does that mean you're our sister?!'

'No! I don't even know you!'

'Right! I'm Five'

'I'm Diana'

'So... what do you "get"?'

'At first we thought they were just panick attacks. But I heard voices and sounds from the streets and everything was like, so loud. My family thought I was going crazy, like it was all in my mind. Then one day, while I was "gone" I heard my mum say something. And there was no possible way I could've heard her. She was whispering in her room downstairs. They started to think that maybe, it wasn't all in my head. And the umbrella academy came out and we did a little research'

'Wow. I mean, I knew I could teleport since I was a child! And I can time-travel. But my dad won't let me do it'

'Makes sense'


'He doesn't want you to get lost in the past and create a doomsday because you stepped on a butterfly!' She smiled

'Well but it's not fair to me. I mean it's so cool and he doesn't let me do it even though I can. It's frustrating!'

'Well it's frustrating to might have powers and can't even use them because they control you instead of you controling them'

'Yeah. You do get me. Could I invite you to get some coffee?'

'That'd be nice'

Small Changes/ Fivex storyWhere stories live. Discover now