Chapter 2. The swedish job

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'Who are you ?'

'Lila' ' Nobody' Five and the girl said at the same time.

'You ?'


'Oh, he isn't dead' Five stated

'Disappointed ?'

'Oh, to see you ? Always.

'So much hostility in such a tiny package. Did you cut yourself shaving ? I could teach you to shave like a big boy'

I scoffed and looked at the fifty-eight years old man standing next to me 'You didn't tell her'

'No, I just run into an old family friend' Five said giving me a ''careful in front of her'' look. Five looked back. Then i realised that there was a man tied to a dentist chair.

'You didn't untie him ?'

'Was I supposed to ?'

'Hey Five, why is there a picture of me in the alley where i appeared'

'This is Elliott' He untied the man in the chair 'he's been observing us since we started appearing in that alley'


'Do you mind if we uh... talk ?'


He led me to an empty room with a pullout sofa

'So, you can stay here, if you want. The bathroom is next to the living room and the kitchen at the end of the corridor. You can call me for whatever you need'

'You ended up liking those shorts didn't you'

'What ?'

'I mean we're in the sixties and you're still wearing them' I said sitting on the sofa brightly.

'Yeah, whatever. So there's this thing I wanted to talk to you about'

'Yeah ?'

He st next to me 'About us ?'

'oh, I thought I made that clear'

'Diana, you do know that for me it's been only a few days since we first kissed ?'


'and that I am 20 years older than you'


'And that I used to be an assassin and people are following me to kill me'


He frowned confused. 'Diana, just take some time, think about it'

'I did. Two years. Surrounded by hotheaded teenager girls and teachers thinking I was out of my mind. And I didn't evn tell them about the superpowers, nor the time travel thing, nor the two mums. I swear it really made me mad every time they mentioned my ''dad''. Ew. The point is that I did my thinking. And I really like you, Number Five. So screw everything else'

He looked at me thankful, relieved.

'You're such a dork'

He raised his eyebrows as I leaned closer, kissing him.

He then stood up. He was about to leave when he said:

'Well, I'm glad we talked. I'll bring you pajamas'

I washed my clothes in the washing machine and got ready to go to sleep.

The next morning I woke up, but Five was already gone. Huh.

He always took me with him. Like when we stayed at Vanya's.

Didn't matter.

'Good morning' I said entereing the kitchen and pouring a cup of coffee.

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