Chapter 8. I heard a rumor

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The nest morning I went down stairs to have breakfast while Five changed. Later Luther came. He was wearing a hoodie. Klaus served us some coffee. Luther's one was took by Five. He tried a little bit and pouted because of its taste. Then Luther pouted because of Five pouting. 'Have you seen any of the others, Diego, Allison? No? Then this is the closest thing to a quorum that we're gonna get, now, listening up' Klaus started 'There's no easy way to say this so I'm just gonna spit it out. Yeah...' 'Klaus?' 'I conjured dad last night' 'I thought you said you haven't been able to conjure someone in years' 'Uh-huh, yes, I know, but I'm sober. Ta-da... I got clean. Yesterday. To talk with someone special and then ended up having this conversation with dear old daddy himself' 'Has anyone got some aspirin?' 'Top shelf next to the crackers' Five said. 'Come on guys, and? What did"dear old daddy" say?' I asked Klaus. 'Well, he gave me the usual lecture about my appearance and my failures in life. Yada yada yada. No surprise there. Even the afterlife couldn't soften a hardass like dad, right? But he did mention something about his murder or lack thereof because... he killed himself' 'Them the boys argued about why, it didn't have sense, Klaus only wants attention and the usual. Then Pogo came and said that what Klaus was saying wasn't a lie! Reginald commited suicide to reunite us and save the world. Luther got mad because Pogo lied to him. 'I gotta think' Five said before jumping and leaving. Klaus and I were alone 'I want to learn how to knit' he muttered. 'I'll teach you. Come on.'
Five found us in his bedroom some time later. 'Klaus you should, don't do that! This goes. Klaus would you listen to me?' I started to loose my patience. 'Hey, get up, we're going' 'Where?' 'To save the world' 'Oh, is that all? Great' 'Pogo said dad killed himself to get us all back together, right?' 'Yeah, so?' 'So it got me thinking. I had to jump to the future to figure out when it happened but dad, he can't time travel...' I cut Five by adding. 'Hiw did he know the world was ending? I know. But look. He had to know something else. When he adopted y'all he there was no proof you were going to have superpowers. So... How did he know? There are lots of missing pieces around him' 'That's it. The truth is that our hole life he'd tell us we'd save the world from an impending apocalypse' 'Yeah, but I always thought he said that to scare us into doing the dishes' 'Me too. But what if the old man really new what was going to happen' 'Yeah, but knew how?' 'No idea. But the fact remains his fakakta plan worked. We all came home. We're here, we might as well save the world' 'Oh yeah? What, like the three of us?' 'Uh, well, ideally, no, but... Gotta work with what I've got' We went out of the room and we saw Diego running through the corridor 'Where have you been?' 'Jail' 'Long story. Where's Luther?' 'Haven't seen him since breakfast' 'Yeah. Two day until the world ends, he picks a great time to drop off the grid' 'Shit. Allison is in danger' 'Allison?' I asked worried.
We found Luther in a local. Diego asked us to leave them some time. We did so and later Luther went running outside.
We went to Leonard's grandmother house. But it was too late. When we came in we saw Allison. Laying on the floor. Covered in blood. With an enormous cut on her neck. Luther cried next to her. The rest of us were around. Some tears ran down my cheeks. She was always so nice to me. She always wanted us to be like a  normal family. Five hugged me with on arm while I covered my mouth.

Hi! I hope you're all fine. And I hope you're liking the story! Sorry for the short chapter. Usually I write a thousand words but today I only wrote 700. Ok that's it.

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