Chapter 6. Oga For Oga

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I was waiting in an alley. Five appeared, covered in blood. I made him sit next to me and used a piece of fabric to clean it off his cheek.

'What happened ?'

'Doesn't matter'

'I don't like this'

He looked at me. 'Me neither but we don't have another choice'

'There's always choice'

'Not this time. We have to trust her'

He looked away again. I untucked his shirt. He looked at the street and then at me, alarmed.

'Diana ! What are you doing ?! We're waiting for someone !'

'Shush !' I pressed my hand against his bullet wound, the one near his right leg. 'See this ? She shot you. For me it was years ago. For you less than a week. Not enough time to heal. And you're still gonna trust her ?' I leaned closer, our noses almost touching with a defiant look on my face. I was pressing harder on the wound. I could smell the blood of his clothes even without using my powers.

You could tell that he wasn't loving the situation. 'She did this to you!'

He looked to the floor tense, before taking my hand gently and placing it on my lap 'You're not gonna change my mind. Besides, we made a deal' He tucked his shirt back in.

'Deals can be broken' I started to trim his clothes.

'She's not like it, Diana...'

'I just want you to be safe' I said letting a tear out, worried.

'And I will be' He cleaned my tear before hugging me.

I buried myself in his chest with my eyes closed shut.

We heard the steps coming closer. 'How adorable. Five, a word ?'

They chatted, then he came back with the briefcase to where I was and said 'We have a time limit'

'What ?' But he grabbed my hand and blinked us home.

We appeared in Elliott's place. There was Öga För Öga written on the floor with blood. We walked upstairs. There was a body on the dentist chair. Five uncovered it, it was Elliott.

'Damn' he whispered as I covered my mouth with my hand.

'The swedes.' I said to him smelling the scent.


Five sighed, then left his jacket and the briefcase.

'You willbe dea by nightfall' We heard Diego say.

'Hey, it's Öga För Öga, idiots. Swedish for ''an eye for an eye''. It means the Swedes killed Elliott.

Diego and Luther said something about realising it eventually. Five changed and explained his plan. Then we left to take Vanya.

'You can wait in the car, it won't take long'


I saw Five and Vanya talk, but it was almost like if she didn't want to come. After a while I came out of the car. I stepped away from the fighting siblings.

Vanya lit up. A whit light came out of her chest as her eyes turned that same colour. I covered my ears as they rang strongly. Then Five Closed his hands and blue lights came out of them.

I lost balance. I fell on my knees shivering.

'Stop it' They ignored me

Please, make it stop, I don't want to feel like this...

'You're hurting me !' I started hearing echoes.

Stop it, stop it, stop it...

'I said STOP IT'

They both ignored me. They kept looking at each other's eyes, but their powers shut down. They looked down confused and then at me. I was still on the floor covering my ears, but I was starting to feel better. I looked confused at them too.


'Fine what ?'

'I'll b there but I need to say goodbye first'

'Oh, Vanya, wedn't have the time.'

'Well it's either that or I'm not coming'

'The alley, don't be late' Five said walking towards me 'You okay ?'

He helped me stand up and got me in the car. Once in there he saked :

'What did you do ?'

'It was me ?'

'Of course. You did the same with Dad yesterday'

'Well, I don't know. I could feel you two and I made it disappear'

'We made it !' klaus said happily. I felt a strong energy with my powers trying to come out of his body, or being pushed out of his body. Then he turned and vomited the energy. I pointed at it and asked klaus 'Is that Ben ?'

'what are you talking about ?' Five asked as Klaus nodded.

'Was he possessing you ? And you didn't let me talk with him ?'

'Nope' Klaus said. I punched him on the arm playfully, but upset.

'Ok, you ignore me I ignore you. Where are the others ?' Five said, clearly bored.


'It's going to happen any moment now. We can't leave without them' I stated.

'Now !' I said a millisecond before the briefcase started crackling as my pupils dilated.

Five threw away the briefcase angrily.

'They can't meet a simple deadline ! Where the hell are they' Five started mumbling.

But I wasn't listening. Something had been powered on inside of me. I started recieving lots of information. I Started breathing heavily, I was trembling. I was thinking about Allison.

So I saw her. She was fighting.

I took Five's arm whe he passed near me. I had my eyes closed. I didn't know what was happening around me. I was somewhere else.

'Allison. Danger. Comission.'

Vanya. In the farm. Knocked out. By a policeman.

'Vanya. Danger. Farm. Police'

Diego. Not here. Gone. With Lila. Poison.

'Diego, Diego ! Not here ! Not-this-timeline ? Lila. Kidnapped !'

I fainted.


Diana grabbed my arm real tight. Se was scared, panting. And hurting me.

She started talking about the ones that weren't here. She had her eyes closed and she was very rigid.

'What's happening to her ?' Luther asked

Klaus was still shivering, but he looked at her worried.

'Diana ? Diana !' I said before she fainted. I took her home.

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