Mementos. Part 1

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  Age 13. 2002

I was waiting in Mr. Hargreeves studio. It was so nice of him to help me.

Then the door opened. I was surprised when a cute girl appeared instead of the old man.

'Uh... Hi, uh... Who are you?'

'Um... Diana, your neighbour. I got a panic attack, Mr. Hargreeves found me and helped me. You?'

'We're his children. I'm Vanya, this is Ben' She said in a nice tone entering the room. She was followed by a boy who had a book in his hand.

'Excuse me, we're looking for Five. Have you seen him?'

'Five...? The number?'

'No, our brother. He went missing. He's short. With cute dimples... Blue eyes...? And his hair is dark brown'

'Haven't seen him, sorry' I noticed Ben's book. ' ''The nightingale and the Rose" from Oscar Wilde? I loved that one story the most. I also enjoyed very much "the fisherman and his shadow" and "the star-boy". If you like that kind of reading you have to try "Momo" from Michael Ende. I am a huge fan. It's not just a captivating story withe well-developed characters... It's a great comment to society!'

He didn't respond. He just kept staring at me.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I'm kind of a bookworm...'

'No, no, it's ok. I am too. It's just that I've never met someone that liked Momo as much as I do'

I gave him a bright, shy smile as I looked down.

'What are you reading now?' He asked with interest.

' "The origin of species". I'm looking forward to study biology and I wanted to have a basis'

'That's cool, but Ben, Five's clearly not here so we should go back with the others' Vanya interrupted our conversation

'Hey Diana, would you like to come with us. Dad probably went looking for him too and he's not coming back any time soon. And you could meet the others' Ben offered


We walked to an enormous living room. There were four other people in there.

'And who are you supposed to be?' The girl asked me irritated.

'Diana, your neighbour. I had a panic attack and your dad helped me...'

'Anxiety? Well sweetie, you can join the club' A boy with black hair exclaimed from the couch.

'I'm Allison. And that is Klaus. We don't hit Klaus. If you wanna hit someone you hit Diego' She said pointing to another boy with dark hair that approached us.

'Bi-bitch' He stammered under his breath.

A blond boy stood up really alarmed and almost yelled: 'Appologyze or I'll put your head through the wall!!!'

Allison looked down. There was clearly something going on between them.

'Sorry Allison' Diego scoffed

'Thanks Luther...'

'Wait aren't you all siblings?' I asked confused

'Yeah! With superpowers!'

'But Vanya'

'Well I play the violin' she whispered sadly.

'That's awesome! I play the traverse flute. Maybe you could join me some day' She gave me such a bright and thankful smile I thought she heard me wrong.

'Haven't you heard the superpowers bit?' Allison asked persistent.

'Again, I'm your neighbour. I've seen you in the news. You're the umbrella academy, aren't you? It's nice to meet you but it's not so surprising'

'Kids!!!' I slowly turned to look at mr. Hargreeves. 'Diana must go home now. We'll for Five here'

He took my wrist and dragged me out as I waved goodbye with my hand.

Ok, so I wanted to show a little how's Diana's relationship with everyone else in the family so I decided to do this "mementos" (memories) to talk about her past with the Hargreeves. I hope you like them.

Bye-bye 💖

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