Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)

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"Okay Peter we've been working on this for over 4 hours, and we haven't been able to perfect the webbing," you told him tiredly

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"Okay Peter we've been working on this for over 4 hours, and we haven't been able to perfect the webbing," you told him tiredly.

"No babe, I'm not giving up, there has to be a formula that works. I can feel it! Besides we still have your formula to try," he protested.

You grabbed the paper with your formula and held it to your chest.

Shaking your head you protested back, "No no, Peter this formula is one I was just testing on. I don't think it will work."

"Hey! First of all your smart, smarter than me. Besides we've got nothing to loose," he pleaded. You sighed, but agreed to let him test it.

After completing the formula he poured it into his web shooting machine. What came after surprised both of you. When Peter pulled the trigger a perfect web shot out and stuck to the wall.

Peter was in awe and in shock, just like you. Then you felt arms around you and a pair of lips on your own.

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