Scott Summers/Cyclops (Tye Sheridan)

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You were walking through the halls of the mansion when some kid with bumped into you, making your books fall

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You were walking through the halls of the mansion when some kid with bumped into you, making your books fall.

"Watch where your going," you told him telepathically while crouching to get your books.

"I can't," he said out loud witch made his companion confused.

"Dude who you talking to?" The guy asked.

"Me," you answered. You read the mind of the boy who bumped into you, Scott was his name.

"But I heard you in my head," Scott said confused.

"I'm a telepath, I can read minds," you said giving a small smile.

"Yeah well stay out of mine, I don't need some weird person creeping around in there," Scott said harshly.

"Well don't worry Scott there isn't much to see," you scoffed, walking away madly.

"Hey I didn't tell you my name!" he yelled.

"No you didn't," you called out.

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