Gamora Part 1

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"Y/N, please do it

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"Y/N, please do it. Don't break your promise," Gamora pleaded to you.

Gamora made you promise in advance, that if Thanos ever got her, to shoot her. You made that promise unwillingly.

"No, I'm not gonna kill the person I love," you stated feeling tears stream down your face.

"If you love her, you'd honor her wishes," Thanos taunted you.

"Y/N, I love you more than anything," Gamora said looking into your eyes.

"I love you too, so much," you  heartbreakingly told her before you pulled the trigger. Only no fatal blast was shot out.

"I admire your bravery," Thanos said before making a portal and dragging Gamora with him.

"NOOO!" You shouted as you fell to your knees in despair.

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