Scott Lang/Ant-Man

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After pestering your dad for so long about your mother's death, he finally told you the truth

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After pestering your dad for so long about your mother's death, he finally told you the truth.

"After your mom went subatomic, I spent the rest of my life trying learn about the Quantum Realm. But there isn't anything about it," your dad told you.

Hearing the truth about you mother was hard. But what made you feel more guilty is how you've acted to him.

"It's not your fault dad, she chose to do what she did. But why didn't you tell me sooner?" You asked sadly.

"I couldn't loose you too, you're all I have left," he sadly stated.

You brought him into a hug while apologizing.

Then the both of you seperated when you heard the sounds of clapping.

"This is great, bonding together and hashing out the feelings, it's awesome," Scott said.

He noticed the awkward tension and stated, "I ruined the moment, didn't I?"

To which you and your dad nodded.

Yes Scott is awkward, but that's what you loved about him.

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