T'Challa/Black Panther

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"My love, what brings you to the lab today?" You asked your husband as he entered the room

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"My love, what brings you to the lab today?" You asked your husband as he entered the room.

He smiled and made his way towards you. "Well Shuri told me that she had some technology she wanted to demonstrate to me."

"Oh yes, she's very excited to show you what's she's been working on," you said giving him a peck on the cheek.

Then you happened to glance at his feet. "Why are you wearing sandals in here!" You lectured him.

"What, you don't like my royal sandals? I wanted to go old school for my first day," he defended while showing his sandals.

"I love them, but Shuri won't. You better change them before she sees you," you advised him then left to go look over some more tech.

Few minutes later you heard Shuri snap at T'Challa for wearing sandals.

"I told you so," you called out to T'Challa while laughing.

All you got was a groan from him.

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