Quicksilver (Avengers)

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You and the Avengers were taking down a enemy base

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You and the Avengers were taking down a enemy base. While you were taking down some guys, Steve talked in the com.

"There's an enhanced individual, female. Keep a look out," Steve said through the coms.

"Do we know if there are any more?" You asked. Just then a blue streak went passed you. Knocking you down on the snow.

You looked up to see a man with a teasing smile. "What? You didn't see that coming?" He said and ran off to who knows where.

"Nevermind I just got the answer to my question. There's another enhanced individual, male, super speed. Be extra vigilant," you told the others in the coms.

With a groan you pushed yourself up, and got back to the fight.

Who was the guy? But it didn't matter, you were gonna get revenge on him.

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